Is getting angry okay? Yes, Jesus got angry. BUT there are ways to display your anger and acceptable reasons to be angry. Road rage is not one of those. People hide behind their wheel thinking that what they do won't effect the people around them. They think they can honk, flip people off, and scream curse words and no one be effected because they are hiding. Their identity cannot be seen because other drivers don't know who they are.
Wrong. As Christians, we represent Jesus in every aspect of our lives, including when we are in our cars. It does not matter what happens around you, ask yourself these questions.
1. Why are they in a hurry?
- Maybe their child is sick, or they are late for the most important presentation because they got in a fight with their spouse.
2. Why are they driving slower than you want them to?
- What if they got in a wreck the day before and are taking the same route to work, or maybe their prescription in their contacts need an update, and they are on the way to the doctor.
Before you yell at them or flip them off, think about why they are doing whatever is making you mad. There is a reason for everything. Most people do not deliberately do things to make others mad.
Not only will considering their situation help you represent the love and patience of Jesus better, but it will help your increase the positivity in your day. If you begin your day infuriated at everyone on the road, you will arrive to work frustrated. This frustration will be very hard to overcome when any difficult situation comes. Automatically assuming that people are not meaning to get in your way will help you overcome whatever life throws at you.
Next time you are frustrated with drivers, remember that there is something causing them to act this way, and everyone has been through situations similar to yours. We have all been hurt. Be patient with their driving. They don't mean to make you mad.
Hebrews 12:14- "Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. "