Moms are constantly telling you things. Whether it's to pick up your room or how to braid hair, they are usually telling you something important. Throughout our lives our Moms tell us a lot of things, so many things that we cant possibly remember all of them. Here are some things that you might do, that your Mom wouldn't approve of..
1. Not putting on sunscreen.
"Ill be fine, this tanning oil has like 5 SPF, that counts for something"
2. Leaving the clothes in the dryer until they are wrinkly, then starting them again pretending it never happened.
Okay so maybe 1 more episode of Netflix turned into 5...
3. Rinsing the cup out without using soap
You literally just drank some apple juice, how dirty could it possibly be?
4. You leave the candle going in your room
Okay look I got a little distracted and it smells so good, the house didn't burn down! We are okay!
5. Forgetting to pick up your siblings.
There are just so many of them and they are so small, they are hard to remember okay!?
6. When you go out to eat after school so you ruin your dinner.
Everyone else was going to Chickfila so I had to go, its fine Ill be hungry again in an hour! Maybe..
7. When you "clean your room" AKA shove everything in your closet and under your bed.
I know its really messy and all, but its takes two seconds to put everything in the closet and it looks much cleaner way quicker.
8. Letting the dog eat some of your dinner.
They are just so cute staring up at you like that, and you already ate before dinner so you cant possibly eat off it yourself.
9. You blame a mess on another sibling when it was you.
Oh yeah, that dirty bowl in the sink? Yep not mine, yeah must be another kids.
10. That all of these things that we do or maybe keep from you, its all out of love.
Thanks for dealing with us. I know we are totally crazy, a little messy and a whole lot of goofy but we know you love us. And believe it or not, after all of this stuff we put you through, we love you even more.