It is an important time of year. In only a few weeks the presidential election will come to an end and a winner will be decided. Whether you are a hardcore Trump supporter or a huge Clinton fan, there is something on the ballot that goes above both these two candidates - even the third party members as well. These are state ballot measures that are on the voting form. Along with State/Local officials who are running for their seat or are an incumbent.
I am not saying that the Presidential Election is not important, because it is. The president is the leader of the free world and the representative of this nation. However, not taking the time to inform yourself about everything on your state ballot will have a direct effect on you a lot sooner than whatever bill or executive order they may hope to try to get through as soon as they are elected. Some states may have a proposition go through well before the inauguration of the President (January 20th, 2017).
Along with how early these ballot results would go into effect they would also play a big role in how the state as a whole would function. I will take my own home state for example; Massachusetts. We have four ballot measures for this election. Question 1: “Would allow the Gaming Commission to issue an additional slots license for a casino.” If this were to pass it would allow an additional casino to be successfully run and operate in Massachusetts. The benefit to it is now more money can be collected by the state, more jobs would be available for people in the state and around the area, and more money to the Host City ( Arguments against it are that five casinos are expected to open in the state by 2019 and there is only one slot operated casino in Mass. It is failing and people who have benefited from the casino expansion are not even from the area ( Both sides on this one issue would have different effects on the state as a whole whether it is passed or not, but either way it will change the state. Even faster than getting the permission to have Mexico build a huge wall around its border and without a huge direct effect to the local economy of my home area.
At the end of the day what matters most is making sure that you are always actively voting, not just for this election. As long as you are 18 years old and either plan to live in this country for a really long time or were born in this country, it should always be in the back of your mind to stay active on what is going on in your home town, state and the country. To ensure that not only your opinion is heard, but giving you a reason to argue about the problems going on. Like that popular saying in movies or television about a bad leader, “I didn’t vote for them.” As long as you voted you gave your opinion on who was best fit for the position or what was the best option for your home area. It is more respected than someone who decided to just sit at home a binge watch on Netflix.
CLICK HERE to find out all the things you get to vote on for your home state.