noun en·cour·age·ment \-ij-mənt, -rij-\
: the act of making something more appealing or more likely to happen
: something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident
: something that makes someone more likely to do something
We all need a little encouragement every once in a while. It is a basic need of the human mind. Receiving and giving praise elicit positive reactions in the brain that enhance performance, build character, and revive emotional stability. Think about the last time you received a praise over a task you were performing. You may have been feeling sluggish, irritable and just plain done with the project. Then your coworker or boss, child or significant other noticed what you were working on. They proceeded to praise your work. You smiled for the first time in a few hours. Your eyes opened a little wider. You breathed a little deeper. You just felt better.
Now think about the last time the roles were reversed. You saw your coworker had been hunched over their desk for an unhealthy amount of time. Curious, you lean over their shoulder and take a peek. Holy crap! How had they done so much work? Amazed, praises and compliments pour from your lips. Their demeanor changes right before your eyes. The tight skin around their eyes and mouth looses. The lines in their forehead relax. The dull look in their eyes is replaced by relief and gratitude. They may have had a response. They may not have. However, walking away, not only did you make their day, but your own was changed. You decide against that fourth cup of coffee you had been headed to the break room for. Instead, you grab a bottle of water and dive back into work. You stay a little longer than normal, but it doesn't bother you. You done good, kid.
Encouragement, direct and indirect, has an immediate affect upon the recipient, as well as the source. Read through the following statements:
You are doing a great job.
You are such a nice person.
I can't believe you could do that! Can you teach me?
Wow, that's so cool.
You're pretty awesome, you know?
Your eyes are gorgeous.
You dress so well. It fits your personality perfectly.
You've been working so hard. Good job.
Let me take you out to lunch. You deserve it.
(S)he's so valuable to this company.
Don't know what we'd do without you.
I'm so lucky to know you.
You bless my life.
The Lord is using you for great things.
Now examine yourself. How did that list of statements male you feel? Are you taking them to heart? Now imagine saying that to another person. The benefits are mutual. The same affects are present when giving, donating, volunteering, or spending time with another just for fun. One of the most under appreciated gifts is the gift of time. It is an invaluable encouragement when all a friend or family member wants to do is spend a day with you. A close second is the gift of words. Words are a powerful thing. Sadly, negative words tend to have more affect and the wounds are long lasting. Positive messages stay with a person forever. I still remember my second grade library teacher praising my reading. The encouragement has remained with me through my life. I still love to read, and I aspire to make others love it as well.
Encouragement is a powerful thing. Let's go make someone feel good today.