As one of my favorite professors said, "Voting is not a privilege; it's a duty." I read a portion of the Constitution pretaining to voting, and in there, it says it is the American citizen's right to vote, but I still believe it is your duty to your country to cast your ballot upon who you wish to become the next president or senator. So, sit down and buckle up because you are getting a crash course on why you need to vote and how you can vote. Happy reading, my fellow Americans.
According to Mass Vote, the majority of voters the past three decades have been of the wealthier class. Middle and lower class people, where are you at? Working late? Check out your state's laws because most allow an absentee ballot regardless of the circumstances, while others give absentee ballots to employees working a certain amount of hours. Get out there. Stop complaining about who the next president is going to be if you're not actively participating. And for those people who say they don't "know" enough to vote but do know enough to complain, you know enough. Get off your butt, and cast your vote.
Get up, get out there and cast your vote.
Women, the 19th amendment was passed, so you could go vote. Stop not being interested in what your predecessors fought for not even 100 years ago. Women were force fed in prisons for your right to vote!
Nineteen-year-olds who still are not registered to vote, this is your country! One day, you will be the adults. Someone your age will be the President. Why are you not getting more involved? You can print out a waiver and follow the directions to send it into your local election office for processing, or hand deliver it, whatever you prefer. You have a few options: You can register as no party/Undeclared, Independent, Democratic or Republican. Google them, read up one them, learn about who is running for which party. Just register. You can Google "where is the closest election office to where I am?" and it will show you! The amazing world with Internet, right?
The news, watch it! I know sometimes it's biased and not always correct, but form your opinions on what you think is true versus false. You sit infront of screens all day watching mind numbing shows on end, why not immerse yourself in the elections? Learn about who you're voting for. Listen to their policies, their opinions, figure out who you think would run this country the best.
When the time comes, your town or city will have information on their website about what precinct you are to go and vote in. Usually it's not far from your home, so go. Get up, take all the knowledge you just learned, and vote.
You are welcome.