Let's be real, we all compare ourselves to someone or something roughly thousands of times a day. To the girl who has it all together and seems like her life is perfect from the outside or that celebrity you've always looked up to, we always want to be someone else. But when are we going to be content with ourselves? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure if I will ever get to that point. We compare our looks, our achievements, our jobs, or anything else we can really think of in order to essentially ruin our self-esteem and self-image, which isn't a good feeling.
Like everyone, I have my moments of insecurity and compare myself to other people. It didn't matter if I was comparing myself to someone I knew really well or a complete stranger, either way I was comparing myself to someone who seemed like they had it all together. I guess I just get so caught up in wanting to achieve certain goals and when that doesn't happen, I couldn't help but see how great everyone else's life was going yet I still felt stuck in my own insecurities.
Especially in the age of social media, seeing what everyone is doing at every second of the day most definitely adds to this sense of competition. How can you not compare yourself to those pretty girls you know who went to Mexico for spring break? I mean as much as you might be happy for them, isn't there a little part of you that wishes that you were? Yeah, me too, but that's the thing: You need to be happy with yourself and where you're at in life before making those comparisons.
Once you realize that the victories and strengths of others doesn't actually diminish your own, comparisons start to slowly fade away. Coming to terms with the fact that there are other people in this world who may be smarter, prettier, and more confident than you is actually pretty liberating. Don't diminish your strengths just because someone else's qualities seem stronger.
I am no master at not comparing myself to people, as you can see, but I think the most important part of learning to not compare myself is to realize that my individuality, and your individuality, should be celebrated. We are all unique in our looks, personalities, achievements, and preferences, and that's what is so cool about this all. The way your life is unfolding is exactly how it is suppose to happen, and comparing yourself to other people often makes you forget that.
So next time you see someone who seems like they have their life together, take a step back and know that yours is, too. Often times people only like to show what they think other people will envy, and when we compare ourselves that's exactly what happens. Don't let comparisons make you feel less than or not worthy, and I'll do the same.