So I was given the idea to write one more letter, but to my stepfather. I thought it was a great idea since he has been in my life for a good 13 to 14 years. He has been there to help me deal with so many teenage girl problems and help me stay out of trouble. He may not be my real father, but he is the greatest dad I can go to when I need some help. So, thank you for being in my life.
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When you see me again you won't see the little teenager that was crying over a guy, you will see a powerful, intelligent woman. How can I tell you how grateful I am to have had you as my father figure. You showed me how a man should treat a woman, when they are married. You and my mother are my goals for marrying a guy/girl. I know we never truly saw eye to eye at times, but you have to remember I am a teenager that is stubborn sometimes. I will never forgot our first driving lesson and that you were scared that I was going to kill us, when I was pretty okay with driving as I got the hang of it. The best moments are when we talk about the shows we watched and give our own opinions and we won't judge them at all.
I will always see you as an amazing father because you supported my crazy ideas and while I am in college I know you will be supporting me wherever you are. I know I never say it as much as normal kids say to their parents, but I love you. Please keep me in the loop with everyone over there, because I am already going to be distanced physically I don't want to be distanced emotionally. I will always find ways to use some of your lines like "I drove over 45 hours with three tires and no windows." Those are going to be the lines to keep improvising on because it is so dramatic but it is facetious.
I know I don't say this as often as I should but thank you for being there for me for every tear and heart break I had. I could of never asked for an awesome step dad. One day, I will have my own spouse and you can show him what it is like to be a great father for our children (if I want children). We will always have our little inside jokes about Josh and many more. When you let me go at that airport that last day, I was ready to cry my eyes out because I didn't think that I was going to not see you for another four months until I get to have another hug from you. I am going to miss you. Have fun but save some of that fun for when I come back.
Love ya!
(Note to the audience: As I was working on this letter, I was tearing up every time I reread my words to see where I left off.)