To my roommate, after our first semester:
Things started off awkwardly, to say the least. This whole roommate thing started because I waited too long to work out my housing and chose the only open room in the building, which happened to be yours. I messaged you on Instagram and said, "Hey! I'm your roommate!" We immediately clicked and texted for the next few months approaching move-in. Even so, we didn't know each other very well, so it was bound to be awkward.
Our first few weeks as roommates were easily the most awkward weeks I've ever experienced. There were hours of silence and forced small talk, trying to get to know each other, and it being totally unsuccessful. You'd go out to do your things, and I'd go to do mine. We were the furthest thing from friends; if anything, we were complete strangers. Luckily, that changed.
I'm not sure what caused the change, but I do know that it was one of the things that I'm most thankful for. After all those hours of sitting across the room without speaking a word, we're best buds now. I mean, come on, we even have our own nicknames. Our whole floor refers to us as "Big Hoss & Lil Hoss". We spend our weekends together, whether that means being at frats or just in our room watching Netflix. We're always having a good time.
We get breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. We even know what the other drinks depending on which meal we're having. Remember when we would go and eat separately? Needless to say, we spend almost all of our free time together. That's honestly something I never would've seen coming if you'd have asked me at move-in.
Thank you for listening to all of my stories about my friends from home (all of which I know you really don't care about, but you pretend to listen anyway). Thank you for listening to me complain about the really annoying kid in my Psych 101 class. Thank you for going out with me. Thank you for our Thursdays at Annex, then bouncing back for Phi Sig on Friday nights.
You are, by far, the funniest person I've ever met (partially because sometimes you're just clueless, but also because you're just hysterical). Thank you for always making me laugh. Thank you for getting me food this semester when I was too sick to do it myself. And thank you for always keeping your side of the room clean. But, more than anything, thank you for being you and being the best roommate I could ever imagine.
Big Hoss (Kaylin)