Everywhere I go and in everything I do, I look for your wisdom and guidance. Since the day I was born, I have felt your love and it has only grown stronger as I've grown older. I trust you and believe in the life you have planned for each and every one of us. But, sometimes I wonder. I wonder why things go negative in some people's lives when all they are searching for is good. I wonder why negative things happen over and over again leading people to think there isn't anymore light in the world. Why do bad thing happen to others while I am happy? I really wonder.
Hey God, tell me this.
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Why are there people starving on the other side of the world, while I sit here with an abundance of food in front of me?
Why are people dying from starvation and I sit with a full belly?
Why are people sick and dying while I get full benefits of health care?
Why does my society focus so much on money and fame where there are people on there other side of the world surviving on little to nothing?
Why do we get clean, healthy drinking water at the tips of our fingers while others struggle to find even a drop of it?
Why do some people have no one to go to while I have more than enough love from my family and friends?
Why are some people so hateful and disrespectful that they can't accept people for who they are?
Why do some people not understand that love is love?
Why do I have the life I have when there are so many more people that have much less, and deserve everything I have and more?
These things, and many more, I will always wonder in the back of my head. Within these questionable moments though, you also give us moments of relief. With every positive that comes into my life, I begin to understand why all those negatives are there. They make us stronger, and for that, I will forever trust you in the path you want me to live.
Hey God, let me tell you this.
Thank you for everything you bring into my life. Good or bad, I will always take it fully and true.
Thank you for my health and my families health.
Thank you for watching over us during the day and while we sleep at night.
Thank you for giving me love and support in everything I do.
I understand that there are going to be negatives in other parts of the world, but if I could ask one thing, it would be for you to take a little of good from each of our lives and give it to those who need it. I know we can't have a perfect world, but every step we take that brings light into someones darkened life, it can make a difference.
"God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will." Psalm 37:5