I'm going to talk to Democrats and opponents of President Trump right now, because I'm one of them; Republicans, follow along as you see fit. I'll rag on you a bit but I promise you'll like what I have to say.
After over 300 days, poor Merrick Garland is finally free to rejoin the general obscurity of non-Supreme Court Nominee life, and joyfully live out his days before seeing the Big Bench in the Sky. Neil Gorsuch, Scalia's annoying little cousin that followed him around at Thanksgiving and Christmas because he wanted to be just like him, was nominated for the empty seat last night, and Democrats didn't even wait for the official announcement to voice their eternal and unyielding opposition,
From one enemy of President Trump to another. Don't you f*cking do what the Republicans did to Garland.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be the one non-partisan branch of the Federal Government, and it didn't exactly live up to that characterization last time around, just as I'm sure it hasn't when a Republican President nominated a judge at some other point in history. Republicans refused to even vote on Garland's confirmation, a vote they most likely would have won, given that the Democrat's didn't have enough votes to dismantle the filibuster, and flat out refused to perform their Constitutionally-derived duty, to confirm or reject the President's appointment. Shame on you Republicans.
Warning to Democrats: Hold the stupid vote. Yes, Gorsuch probably isn't going to be the judge of your wet-dreams, but for one second, consider what the bench would look like with him on it. Mini-Scalia would be the fourth consistent originalist and conservative on the court, which balances out the four consistent liberals, and chief Justice John Roberts goes back to being the swing vote President George W. Bush never saw coming. Before Scalia passed, Democrats had a lot to party about: Marriage Equality was won and Obamacare stood up to challenge after challenge. With a Republican President and Congress, going back to the old Supreme Court wouldn't be the worst outcome.
Second Warning: little-D democratic norms are breaking down right and left: Sean Spicer lies from being the Presidential seal, Cabinet Nominees are shoddily vetted, Presidential conflicts of interest are swept under the rug, and implicit religious tests are applied to refugees and immigrants. Big-D Democrats in Congress have a chance to take Former First Lady Michelle Obama's advice, and "go high." Yes, the Republicans went low when they railroaded Garland's nomination, and the past few months haven't inspired anything that bears even the most passing resemblance to confidence; but you have a chance to bring the country back together, to show some much needed goodwill and dedication to the Constitution. The Republicans didn't earn this favor (because that's what giving Gorsuch a fair shake would be) but a little mercy, for the good the Republic (which is what returning the country's top Constitutional watch-dog to full strength would be), will go a long way, at least in my book.
I'm not saying confirm the guy, but look at his record, his formal, written opinions, and vote on whether or not he is worthy of being called a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, not whether or not he agrees with your policy views.