Sometimes life sucks, but then other times, it's amazing. It's like we're on this never-ending rollercoaster we just seem to get off of. Everyday, we wake up wondering if today will be a good day or a bad one, but what's the point? It's not in your hands. Then, you progress through the day and things keep getting worse, yet there's nothing you can do but just deal with it. Somehow, we learn to let ourselves sit under piles and piles of negativity. We let ourselves drown in the toxicity of our thoughts and the judgements of others.
Why is life so complicated? I tend to ask myself this question on a daily basis. Half the time, I can't even force myself to get out of bed and be useful, and then I think about my real friends, my real love, and my goals, and I just have to get going.
Life is like a big journey, and we are all the explorers just waiting to discover something new. No one said this expedition was going to be easy because it's not, but it seems a little easier when we try to see the brighter side of situations. We are all human, so that makes it ok for us to feel scared, upset, unmotivated, even. But at the end of the day, it's up to us whether or not we let that hold us back or not. We can chose to dwell in our own misery, or we can chose to battle and conquer our own demons. Whatever you choose, it won't be easy, but shedding a little light on every situation will make all the difference.
I don’t think I will ever understand life and how it works, but I know I have learned to befriend it, and perhaps one day, it will let me in on its secrets. However, until then, I’m gonna hold onto my pride and keep my head held high because my life is my life, and nothing is going to change that. I don't have the power to change it, and neither do you. What we do have the power to change is the way we think about all the obstacles that come our way.
I am who I am, and I know that's enough for me. I don’t have to hide my face from myself because I am proud of the person I have become. Life is too short to just throw it away before you even discover who you really are. So, in the face of sorrow, smile. In the face of hardship, fight. In the face of failure, stand back up. Fight the negativity in your life and embrace the positivity. Make your life a little brighter. We sure can't change the things that happen to us, but we can change the way we interpret it and that is the key to happiness. So, don't hold yourself back from being happy;don't hold yourself back from being you.