Okay, maybe dominoes won't change your life, but they could. They changed Lily Hevesh's.
When you grow up, you're expected to get good grades and be active in sports, clubs, etc. As high school rolls around, you're expected to do whatever you can to prepare for college. But guess what, you don't have to go to college right after high school.
This is Lily. She graduated in the top of her class and was an active participant in the arts. What Lily's peers may not have realized is that she had a passion, and it had nothing to do with math, piano, or anything else that Lily evidently succeeded in. After school and on the weekends, Lily spent her time recording collapsing dominoes. This is what made her happy and gave her a sense of pride and accomplishment.
These videos began in her living room, and now Lily has become so successful that she has her own studio. By uploading her videos to her YouTube channel, Lily's passion slowly became more and more popular. Her videos began to go viral, and she was then sponsored by YouTube and Google. She has traveled the country, and recently across the globe, because of her success. Her dominoes have even made appearances in commercials and films such as Collateral Beauty with Will Smith.
So I know it sounds like I'm bragging about Lily, but I want her to be an example for you, me, and people everywhere. Whether you're fifteen, twenty-three, or fifty-seven, Lily can inspire us all. Lily decided to take a gap year to follow her dream and live her passion. Lily loves the work she does with dominoes, and if you have something you love, be it a talent, a dream, or an idea, go for it. There is no better time than now to follow your dream and do what makes you happy.