When people think of a group of college students, they usually think of a party and people sleeping through their classes. For the vast majority of students, this is a very large misconception, and it's hard for people to believe that this stigma is wrong.
Christianity is still alive and thriving on college campuses. And these people embody the love of Christ in everything they do more than I had ever seen before. College Christians have so much passion and joy for Christ that it's contagious. They share the love of God with everyone they know just by saying hello or smiling as you walk by. Being a part of such a strong community of believers is one of the reasons I am so proud to be a college Christian. Because we are breaking the mold of what most people believe and presently surprising the misbelievers.
But just being a Christian and going to college isn't all that it's about. You have to act out what you believe. Everyday you are an example for others to follow and it's your job to bring others to Christ. While you might think that going to church is just a hobby for most college students, that's not true. Being a Christian in college is a fight. It's a battle trying to help people understand why you have such a strong faith in what you believe in. It's a fight against the temptations of normal college life and triumphing over them. It's a fight against the typical college stigma and to prove to others that we mean what we believe. We're not just going through the motions to make ourselves look good. Because we know that without God in the center of our lives there is no way we could survive college.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them." Matthew 18:20