Since the day I met you, I saw something in you. There was something about you that triggered this feeling inside me, pushing me to get to know you. So I did exactly that.
The best part is, I have more than gotten to know you. I have become your other half, your partner in crime, your ride or die.
Because we just click.
Is it because we have so much in common? Or because we actually have so many differences? I honestly do not know, but what I do know is I would not be this happy with any other guy.
I have experienced some of your happiest moments and also some of your not so happy moments, and they have made me love you even more.
When I fell in love with you, I fell in love with every single thing about you.
From the way you smile when I tell you I love you to the way you kiss my forehead that just gives me chills.
You are a child at heart with a mature personality with life goals and passions.
And you are so brutally honest with me, and I could never accuse you of lying because I do not think it is possible for you.
You make me feel safe and comfortable, and for once, I am not afraid.
I can be my absolute self with you without being scared you will judge me or stop liking me. You have made me into a better person simply from leading by example, and I am so thankful to have you in my life.
I am thankful to have you as my boyfriend who doubles as my best friend.
You have stuck around through the tough times, the times that I did not deserve your love, the times when I was at my lowest lows and still you never once stopped treating me like a princess.
You are my inspiration and my motivation. You inspire me every day to be the best version of myself because I want to do nothing but make you happy.
You challenge me and push me to my limits to succeed in everything I have ever wanted, and that means a ton to me.
You are my rock, my backbone, my happiness, my family.
I pray you never leave my life and that I do everything in my power to keep you smiling.
I vow always to be your shoulder to cry on, your rock to lean on, and there with a tissue to wipe away your tears.
If ever you feel weak, I will be your strength. And I will always love you, even when you do not love yourself.
No matter where life takes us, my heart will always be bound to you.
So in case you forget, just know you are my person and nothing in this world could ever change that.