He’s not going to notice your hair
He’s not going to notice
He’s also not going to realize
When you buy a new sweater
Or that new pair of boots you fussed over buying
He just isn’t
Society told you that if he doesn’t
Then he is a bad boyfriend
Bad husband
Bad everything
That he doesn’t care
How dare he
Belittle you like that
But that isn’t it at all
Because he knows what time you need to wake up in the morning
He sees how the snow
Takes your breath away
And he takes you to your favorite restaurant
For no reason
Other than it’s a Wednesday
He notices
And he cares more than there are words
But life happens
Details are missed
That doesn’t mean
He cares
Any less
It just means he’s human
And he loves you
He holds you late at night
When the world doesn’t make any sense
You have no idea what you’re doing
Or where you’re going
You just want to give up
He listens to your dreams
Knows what you want to be
When you aren’t waitressing till two in the morning
He sees how loving,
Caring you are
That you’ll go pick up a drunk friend even when you’ve worked all day
And volunteer any free time you have
To anyone who needs you
So just because he doesn’t notice your hair is two inches shorter
Doesn’t make him
The worst human
On the face of the planet
Because he knows your heart
And soul
And what really matters
At the end of the day