Hip Hop Mogul, Jay Z, named a Puma Creative Director | The Odyssey Online
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He's 'not just a businessman, he's a business, man!'

Jay-Z becomes Puma's newest Creative Director

He's 'not just a businessman, he's a business, man!'

Hip Hop Mogul and businessman Shawn Carter, more commonly known as JAY-Z, and athletic brand, Puma are birthing a new partnership. On June 19, the brand announced JAY-Z's addition as creative director.

In his position, Carter will be assisting the brand by "working on art direction for Puma shoes, as well as shaping the general concept of the revived basketball division."

Carter is a part of several business ventures including his own company, Roc Nation and the sports subsidiary, Roc Nation Sports. At Roc Nation Sports, his agents represent some of the largest names in sports, including Kevin Durant, Skylar Diggins-Smith, Geno Smith, Todd Gurley, CC Sabathia, and Robinson Cano.

Prior to their most recent venture, Puma and Carter have worked with one another, thus beginning the fruitful relationship.

According to Adam Petrick, Global Director of Marketing and Brand for Puma, "we're making a serious statement about the entry of the category, that we want to be a performance brand, but then also very culturally focused."

The addition of an entrepreneur and Hip-Hop star such as JAY-Z will definitely aid the brand in creating the aesthetic they aim to.

With the NBA Draft approaching, Puma has already set their sights on several in this year's draft class to enter into contract endorsements with. Those players include projected first round draft picks Deandre Ayton, Marvin Bagley III, and Zhaire Smith. The last basketball signee for Puma was Vince Carter, twenty years ago. The 10-year deal fell apart after only two seasons. With the help of JAY-Z and the new signees, the company is hopeful they will become the main player in basketball footwear and apparel. Their strategic marketing plan includes using Carter as a stepping stone to reach millions of people.

"It's clear that we're looking at basketball through the lens of culture, and thinking about the fashion of basketball, the music of basketball, all the aspects of culture around basketball as much as the on-court presence that we will have," Petrick continued.

The German brand is no stranger to A-list celebrities being integral parts of their brands. In the past, they have signed Solange Knowles as a creative director. Most recently, the brand has collaborated with Rihanna.

Listed above are only a few of many collaborations the brand has made with celebrities. Thus, proving their ability to work with them as well as fulfill their creative visions for each project. Petrick specifically recalled working with Rihanna as a pivotal point in uncovering Puma's relations with noteworthy individuals.

The consensus: "give them the ball and get out of the way."

New heights like these can be very exciting for the company and the public. As a fan of the creative process, sports and entertainment, I look forward to what the brand and Jay-Z will come up with in the future.

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