Hermione Granger was my role model as a little girl; she still is today. Like all the rest of the Harry Potter characters, Hermione Granger warmed our hearts with her courageousness and made us fall in love with her the first moment we met her. She's sweet, smart, funny, and loyal. But, she also proved time and time again that she was a complete badass ( sorry for my language); making her the most iconic female character in children's books. Here are a few reasons why:
1. She literally is the ' brightest-witch-of-her-age '
Hermione was the most intelligent witch in her year by far- not that it is uncommon knowledge. I mean, she cast a spell even before she set foot on the Hogwarts grounds. All throughout the series, she is described as always having her hand in the air. She often gets picked on because she is so eager, but she takes it all in stride.
During the war, Harry and Ron wouldn't have survived without her. She was always prepared for any scenario with her trusty undetectable extension charm on a handbag. But what is unique about her is that she mastered wandless and wordless magic by the time she was seventeen; a skill that many witches and wizards can never do.
Plus, she's a freaking muggle-born and the top of her class!
2. She is very witty and snarky
Who can forget the quote, " I'm going to bed before either one of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed- or worse expelled,"? It is one of the most famous quotes and she has many more. She has often snapped at Ron or Harry, she even insults them from time to time.
Another memorable quote is when she snaps at Ron saying, " Just because you got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all do."
3. She punched Draco Malfoy in third-year
Now I'm a loyal Slytherin, but I can't even argue that Hermione was the epitome of brilliance when she punched Draco Malfoy in the face.
Draco was the standard bully that she usually threw witty insults back to, but she had never actually engaged in anything serious, until this point.
After drawing her wand on him, and turning away, she whips around punching him in the face, which broke his nose. Now, any Harry Potter fan knows that the mere reality of what she had done was unbelievable. Draco is a pure-blood wizard that hates her kind, thinking that they are a bug under his shoe in dire need of being squashed, but then she goes and punches him. It's unbelievable.
And I mean, she even broke his nose!
4. She is not afraid to say " Voldemort "
Everyone is afraid to say his name, well, everyone but Harry and Hermione. Even Dumbledore called him Tom!
There's not much to say other than her famous quote, " Fear of a name only increases fear itself."
5. She trapped Rita Skeeter in a Jar
We all hate Rita Skeeter. She was the woman who made Hermione out as some sort of tramp and Harry a heartless misfit. She always had information that didn't seem possible due to the fact she wasn't there, but Hermione, being the brilliant witch she is, discovers Rita is an illegal animagus (A person who can shift into an animal voluntarily).
Rita ruined peoples lives by transforming into a ladybug and spying on her intended target. So, what does Hermione do? She traps Rita in a jar!
She literally traps this woman in a jar until she promises to tell the truth from now on. She even threatens her forward, proving that she can scare adults!
6. She erases her parent's minds to where they don't know they had a daughter
War is a dangerous subject. Especially to muggles who have a prominent witch as a daughter. So, Hermione obliviates her parents, swiftly making them forget they ever had a daughter.
The reason this was such a huge thing is that she loved her parents dearly, and it took so much of her to do this, but she knew that in order to keep them safe from Voldemort and his Death Eaters, she would have to sacrifice losing them. So with the flick of her wand, she erases their mind and sends them to Australia. Then goes and fights a war!
She showed so much strength in this action that it is barely relatable to how many emotions had to be running through her.
7. She survives being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange is the notorious death eater that is known to be cruel and untameable. Being Voldemort's most loyal follower, she will literally kill anybody. But, her favorite thing to do is torture someone with the cruciatus curse until their brain turns to mush. She also has a cursed dagger that she uses to carve demeaning names into her victims. No level of healing spells will heal the scars either.
So, Hermione gets tortured with this knife and the cruciatus curse, but she survives unlike many. She is a warrior at this moment, even though she supposedly has ' inferior ' blood.
8. Her biggest fear is failing
Nevermind that she was in a war, her biggest fear is failing! Hermione truly is something different.
Her fear stemmed from coming into a world she had no idea about, automatically being told she didn't belong there. So, she started to study every bit of material she could BEFORE even getting onto the Hogwarts Express!
There's a chapter in the third book where Professor Lupin, their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had them face a boggart ( a creature that takes the form of their fears ) and Hermione's was McGonagall telling her she failed all her tests.
But, the fact that it's failing and not dying is just extraordinary.
9. She married her best friend who she used to bicker with all the time
Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger weren't always soulmates. The two absolutely hated each other. Ron often called Hermione names and Hermione often insulted his intellect. But, around the third year, the hate turned into something else, and so began the awkward feelings stage.
Throw in a war, setting attacking birds on him, sabotage, and many tears, you have Ronmione.
Hermione Granger is literally the most iconic female character in a book series. She taught girls that you don't have to be pretty to be successful; you don't even have to be smart. All you have to do is stay true to yourself.
Plus, she has a killer right hook.