Makeup shaming is a trend that is way too common in this day and age.
For those of you who don't know what makeup shaming is, it is when someone bashes another person because of the amount of makeup they wear, bashing the way they do their makeup or simply the fact that they are wearing makeup at all.
People need to realize that it is no one's business, and there are no rules in makeup. so no one should be criticizing anyone.
People tend to makeup shame other people when they are not a fan of applying makeup or because they want to put other people down.
Some people even makeup shame because they feel another person shouldn't wear makeup and should just embrace their natural beauty.
People also feel that if you wear makeup you are “trying too hard”, but most of these reasons are ridiculous. Regardless of the reasons makeup shaming is done, it's something that shouldn't be.
Everyone has the right to wear and express themselves the way they choose and just because it doesn't fit ones preference doesn't mean it should be looked down upon.
Everyone has the right to do as they choose. Want to get a tattoo? Sure, go ahead.
Want to get a boating license? Sure, go ahead.
People do things they love, and they love the things they do.
So if someone loves makeup why should they get criticized for that?
Society has this image that people do their makeup because they want to impress people. I’m sure for some people that is the case.
But, for most of us?
We view makeup as art and just simply like the way we look with it on.
What’s so bad about that?
Not everyone is interested in the same things, but just because someone isn’t into the same thing as another person doesn’t mean they should bash it.
People often forget that makeup isn’t just to make yourself look better--it’s also art.
It’s a way to express a feeling.
Feeling spring vibes one day? You can wear a soft pink/peachy eye look.
Feeling dark vibes one day? You can wear a dark lipstick.
You can mix colors together, recreate things, and best of all you can make yourself or another person look however they want.
People often forget that everyone has their own rights and choices. If someone wants to wear makeup whether they are a boy or a girl then who cares?
Everyone is entitled to their own right, and their own free will.
Instead of worrying about what everyone is doing, people need to learn to love and accept one another.