Shameless is a dramatic comedy TV series that airs on Showtime. This series began in 2011-present day. Shameless depicts the dysfunctional Gallagher family of Frank Gallagher, who has six children. While Frank spends his time getting drunk, his kids take care of themselves in the setting of South Side Chicago. Shameless has a much more deeper meaning than what meets the eye. From every aspect, the show is nothing but raw emotion and real to life situations. Here are the top five reasons you should sit back, relax, and watch Shameless:
1. The Characters.
The characters involved in this television show include a rather dysfunctional Gallagher family. Shameless follows a South Side family trying to make ends meat on a day to day basis. The first character, Fiona Gallagher, is beautiful, intelligent, and works hard to make sure nobody goes without. The intriguing brothers follow that includes: Lip, Ian, Carl, and Liam. Lip is an intelligent yet potentially successful older brother, Ian has some issues that progress within each season, Carl is just Carl, and Liam is the youngest brother of them all who has no clue what is going on. Then there is Frank. Frank is the family's father who has the repetitive nature of constantly getting drunk and taking the family for granted. His character is indescribable due to the brilliant comedic value behind his character. From start to finish, the characters are beautifully portrayed.
2. The Setting.
Set in South Side Chicago, the setting adds a detailed addition to the show. The show tries to keep everything as realistic as possible. Crime and poverty took over the South Side of town, in which the Gallagher's do whatever is possible to get by. The show depicts a North and South Side, from riding the L train to leaving your past behind you.
3. The Relationships.
Shameless is a heavy comedy that relies on the connection with its characters. From Fiona and Steve, to Ian and Mickey, and Kev and Veronica, the relationships involved in this show are realistic. The establishment of the "true to life" characters is created with various relationships that are common, but never talked about.
4. The Writing.
One second you are feeling the raw emotion of the Gallagher family, the next you are enjoying the comedic genius of Frank Gallagher. I'm amazed every week as Shameless is a dramatic-comedy that maintains this balance of consistent comedy and drama. Though the writing may be challenging from week to week, there is always a story to tell.
5. So Here's What You've Missed...
Every episode starts out with a different character breaking the fourth wall to introduce the show. The opening segment gives a brief background of what has happened so far on the show. There is than a "previously on" segment that follows. This allows the story to push onward. I promise you this show will not let you down. My first time watching it, I binged watched the first five seasons. Shameless will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time while watching. "So Here's What You've Missed"...go watch Shameless!