When you give your parents a grandbaby, they call you every day, twice a day...at least. You don't mind because you need them more than ever. They may give lots of advice, and truthfully, at first it might rub you the wrong way. When it's all said and done though, you usually end up taking it, because if there's one thing you realize after becoming a parent yourself, it's that your parents were actually always right.
When you give your parents a grandbaby, you see them in a whole new light, and partially because they're different. They change. Their eyes light up again. They spent most of their adult lives living for their children, and now they have another little human to live for. It is so beautiful to watch them fall head over heels in love with this tiny human the way you know they once fell in love with you. For the first time, you understand that love in a way you never could previously.
When you give your parents a grandbaby, you also have a new found love for them. You start to see first hand that parenthood is the hardest thing you'll ever do, the most amazing, but also the hardest. You finally understand and appreciate why they worried about you so much. You start remembering all of the crazy things you did when you were young and you begin to freak out a little, praying your child isn't quite as wild as you were. You then realize your parents were superheroes for somehow keeping their sanity.
Most of all, when you give your parents a grandbaby, you become even closer than you once were. You need them a little more than you did before. (In my case, I didn't even know that was possible) You know this is just the beginning of a million new memories you're all going to make together. You have a new reason to spend more time together, plan vacations together, and stay a little longer on holidays. When you give your parents a grandbaby, you begin to realize just how much one tiny little life can change an entire family for the better.