Over-thinking, more like "I'm so over thinking about this" is something that many struggle with. Most of my friends are over-thinkers...I mean, that explains why they are my friends. Our situations and emotions can be easily explained to each other and better yet, easily understood by each other.
However, over-thinking can be a sign that you're just a thoughtful person regarding others, situations, and most importantly YOURSELF.
A lot of people who overthink are full of high expectations and patience. Overthinking leads people to put more thought into anything they do –– even the simplest of tasks.
If you're an over-thinker, it's about time to be aware that you're multi-passionate and always multi-tasking! You've over-thought about the things you've already tried and are now ready to try something new and later get tired of overthinking about that. Phew! Over-thinking definitely is time consuming and frustrating but no matter what, you always unconsciously spare time for thinking and stressing.
You're always willing to try new things. Of course, only after you've over-thought about the consequences or just the fact of trying something new.
Yes, being an over-thinker does essentially make you a thoughtful person quite literally however, it is also because you are thoughtful about others around you and what your decisions can do to certain situations or people. You want to make sure that everything you're doing is going according to the plan you've created in your mind. Being an over-thinker is also usually a trait of those who are overly sensitive or soft-hearted.
When one is lost in thought, they are likely to stumble upon realistic questions and situations. That's when one has the choice to prepare for a situation beforehand or "just in case." I overthink about society itself and have to admit that although I easily get frustrated by my consistent over-thinking, I have become more socially-aware and prepared for almost any situation. No questions, I've over-thought about my preparedness too--so I'm ready!
The best think about being an over-thinker is that (in certain situations i.e. ending a friendship or relationship) you have NO REGRETS! You've tried your best and have over-thought about the other person, their decisions, your decisions, and etc. You have created several physical and mental diagrams to come up with the best solution and thus are left much more relaxed and calm than the non-over-thinkers.