Having a sister is definitely one of the best things that anyone could ever ask for. She’s someone that you can confide in as well as someone you can take your anger out on, and it will never be taken personally. It was always nice to know that no matter what; you will always have at least one person on your side. Unless of course the other person you were fighting with at the time was her. If that was the case, then obviously you were automatically wrong. Despite those stupid arguments, your sister will always have your back when you truly need her.
The childhood memories created with your sister will be the ones you hold onto forever, whether they are good or bad. These were the times that you both learned so much about the other person and learned how to treat them depending on what mood they’re in. You also learned how to tolerate each other when they did things that most people wouldn’t be able to stand. I know that my sister tolerated me enough to let me sleep in her bed with her even after I peed in it. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.
As we start to grow up, it’s natural to grow apart for a short period of time. This time apart makes us realize how lucky we were to be able to spend so much time together in the past. When we finally realize how much we miss each other and we spend time together for the first time in a long time, our relationship is stronger than ever. We sit around and laugh and cry while reminiscing over the extremely stupid things we did growing up. Our memories from the past are stored away and cherished forever, while we work to create even greater memories now.
The memories created with a sister, are the memories that will never ever be forgotten. She was your first partner in a crime, your first enemy and your first best friend. She’s everything you want to be and a lot of the reason you are who you are. You will never find someone who cares so deeply for you as much as she does. Your sister will love you endlessly and always be your rock whenever you feel weak. You can always count on her for being there when you need her most and even when you don’t need her for anything at all. She is your person and always will be.
Now everyone, raise your glass with me as we cheers to our forever friend. Thank you for being you, for being strong when I am weak, for laughing with me and crying with me. Thank you for telling me what I need to hear, even if it’s not what I want to hear. You were my first friend and the one I can count on to be with me until I have to tell you goodbye. I am forever grateful for the things you have done for me and just for having you in my life. I love you so very much and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else. So here’s to you sis, the best person I have ever been so lucky to know.