This is for the man cat-calling young girls in the school uniforms, the school boy asking a girl to have sex with him in his car because why not. To the guys who thinks it's okay to say "we're having sex tonight whether you want to or not." To the porn watching perverts of this world.
Wake. Up. It is 2016. Women are running for president (not that I support Hillary at all, just making that clear), women are fighting for our country side by side with men. Women are CEOs, running their own companies and frankly kicking butt at it. Women are your EQUALS. What part of that isn't clear to you? What makes it okay for you to sexualize and victimize women of any age? What makes it okay for Hardee's to try to sell sex with their food? (Yes I am calling you out for your disgusting commercials showing more boob and lips than you are food.) What makes it okay for a frat boy to drug a girls drink at a party just so he can get some action? What makes it okay for a man to catfish 400 women and not receive any punishment for his actions?
I'll tell you what makes all these creeps think what they do is okay: you. Society, it's your fault. It's your fault because it has gone for this long and no one has stopped it. It's to the point that little girls, ages 5 and 7, are scrutinizing in the mirror over their bodies. It's to the point that 8 and 9 year old girls are not eating so that they can lose weight. It's to the point that high school girls are taking diet pills and doing insane workouts everyday to shrink their waists and make their butts bigger. From age 5 we care about what we look like. And by age 8 we care about what boys think we look like. And for some reason society tells us this is what we have to do. We must make the boys like our bodies and when they want to touch our bodies we MUST say yes. No can't be in our vocabulary.
I'm sorry but no is easier to say than yes. Babies utter the word no shortly after speaking "dada." So why do take that word, so easily learned, are reverse what is a natural part of our vocab? I think it's BS that we have to hide behind our sexuality because it is the only weapon we have when realistically, we have guns and ammo just like the boys.
Who says I "can't compete with the boys" (Lauren Ziguna), I have just as much power as you. What just because I have a vagina I can't fight back? If you think about it, the vagina is more powerful than most other parts of the body; it pushes tiny humans into this world and then heals itself back up and can do it over and over again. Let's see a man do that.
Sexualize me. Cat-call me. Try to catfish or drug me. I dare you. Unlike some girls out there, I've learned that no is totally okay. I've been taught that I can fight back. I have a vagina and I am just as powerful as it is.
So here's to you, sexual predator. Here's to you, horny teenage boys. Here's to you, disgusting perverts. Wake up, it's 2016.