Here's to the kids who are told they aren't good enough — today, tomorrow, and/or next year.
And believe they aren't good enough — today, tomorrow, and/or next year.
Here's to the kids who are told they can't because they are too "short," "tall," "skinny," "fat," "smart," or "dumb."
And believe they are too short, too tall, too skinny, too fat, too smart, or too dumb.
Here's to the kids who are told they should change as a person because they "just should."
And believe the person who tells them to change because they "just should."
Here's to the kids who are told they will never do something they aspire to.
And never do that something they aspire to do.
Here's to the kids who are told they aren't enough.
And believe they aren't enough.
Here's to the kids who are told they are worthless.
And believe they are worthless.
Here's to the kids who are told they will never have that opportunity.
And will never have that opportunity.
Here's to the kids who are told they can't afford that.
And actually can't afford it.
Here's to the kids who never leave home.
Also known as the kids who feel trapped.
Here's to the kids who never want to experience life.
Also known as the kids who are too afraid to take that leap or go out of their comfort zone.
Here's to the kids who never want to recover.
Also known as the kids who truly believe recovery isn't possible when it really is.
Here's to the kids who never want to go out.
Also known as the kids who may never experience life.
Here's to the kids who will never go to Disney.
Also known as the kids who maybe never will go to Disney.
Here's to the kids who rely on numbers to determine their worth.
Such as the number on the scale, number of friends they have, and the amount of money they have to determine their worth.
Here's to the kids who define themselves by the number of likes, followers, and favorites they receive on social media.
Such as those who compare themselves to others who have more likes, followers, and favorites than they do on social media.
Here's to the kids who rely on others who can't be trusted.
Such as those who truly believe these people who can't be trusted.
Here's to the kids who rely on that one person who tells them to change.
Such as those who actually change because they were told to do so.
Here's to the kids who rely on themselves because there is no one else.
And don't give themselves enough credit for relying on themselves because there is no one else.
Here's to the kids who rely on money and materialistic things to be happy.
Such as those whose definition of happiness is that new designer bag and not an adventure with trees, forest ground, and sounds of nature.
Here's to the kids who rely on social media to prove that they are living their life.
Such as those who never experience living in the moment because they are too busy documenting it through their phone, camera, or other device to later post to their Story/Facebook/Twitter.
Here's to the kids who rely on their teachers for conversations during lunch in the cafeteria instead of their classmates.
Such as those who don't have anyone to talk to at the lunch table because they are "different" or "weird."
Here's to the kids who rely on their parents for everything.
Such as those who will never learn what independence feels like.
And here's to the kids who relate to anything listed above. Remember you are strong. You are important. You are loved.