It's a new school and for me, that means a fresh start. It means a blank canvas, slate or whatever you may please has been placed in front of me, in front of all of us to start this year's masterpiece of memories. I am a firm believer in each school year you get a reset. You can be who you want, be friends with who you want, date who you please and make super awesome memories. Here's to my fresh start and that sophomore year goes 10 times better than my amazing freshman year did.
Here's to staying up late with friends talking about random stuff and watching movies together.
Here's to actually waking up early and making it to 8:30am classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Here's to keeping in touch with old friends and to making new ones.
Here's to more Bachelor and grilled cheese Monday's.
Here is to internships and jobs and that they are more successful than the year before.
Here's to new classes, new professors, and challenging course work.
Here's to eating at all the fave old restaurants and discovering new ones.
Here's to dance parties and the extreme happiness that comes from them.
Here's to having confidence and not being self-conscious.
Here's to another year of finding joy in the small things and not sweating the big stuff.
Here's to finding new love. Whether that be a new relationship, new sisters, and friends to love on, or loving yourself for all its imperfections.
Here's to 'adulting' for another year.
Here's to finding the perfect little to become part of your perfect little srat fam.
Here's to coming up with better Instagram captions, cause lord knows they could be better.
Here's to sisters who always have your back.
Here's to finding weekly Sunday mass again.
Here's to not caring what others think about you. Other people's opinions don't matter, all that matters is your own and maybe your families because they have your best interest you know (hi mom).
Here's to hoping we'll get a few snow days this year.
Here's to aiming to make the dean's list again this year.
Here's to birthdays, celebrations, national holidays and their subsequent days off from school.
Here's to adventures big and small.
Here's to serving the community and empowering those around me to serve.
Here's to seeking the heights alongside old and new (hi pc '16) sisters.
Here's to trying to dress 'nicer' to go to class.
Here's to football, basketball and baseball season and that we actually live up to the hype.
Here's to functions and every single shenanigan that goes on with them.
Here's to being a role model.
Here's to trying new things. New friends, new food, new experiences, new adventures...
Here's to watching siblings grow older.
Here's to life and all it has to offer me throughout the next school year.
So here's to every good or bad thing that may occur to myself or you this year. Let's celebrate the high points, fight through the low points and live without regret. Let's all promise one another that this blank slate we have just been given will be a perfect masterpiece of memories ranging from dance parties, to love and friendship, to success and some failure. If we can promise to make this blank slate ours and let whatever happens this year run its course, then I'm positive the 2016-2017 school year is going to be killer.