It is heard throughout everywhere the cliche saying "New year, new me." As cliche as it sounds it is true, making a list to better yourself never hurts.
1. Be more selfish with my emotions and time
I don’t want to let myself get taken for granted or walked over. I want to be able to say no and not feel guilty that I made someone mad or sad by my decision. Just take more time for myself and no feel obligated to other people.
2. Treat yourself more
Celebrate the small feats that I’ve overcome and treat myself to small things I find joy in; maybe a nap, coffee, or buying the book I was dying to read a week ago. Treat yourself and love yourself by pampering and doing things that bring you joy.
3. Spread happiness
Try and see the positive out of all the things I encounter. I want to be able to take a bad situation and create into a new life lesson or a fun story instead of wallowing in self pity.
4. Go out and adventure more
I want to be able to have more experience under my belt, so I want to go out and explore the places around me and find new things to do. I want to be the friend who people turn to, to be able to go out and go on crazy adventures with.
5. Establish better routines
I want to be able to have a better schedule for working around my classes during the next semester. I want to work out more and volunteer and like number 4, adventure more. I want to be able to schedule my time better.
6. Love myself more
Every year, I always say how I want to establish a better love with myself. I’ve definitely learned how to love myself but I want that love to get stronger and stronger. I want a good relationship with my body mentally and physically.