What a wonderful time to be a woman. The world truly is your oyster, with endless opportunities at your doorstep (enough cliché phrases for you?). Seriously, what an incredible time to be a woman. In today's world a woman is given the opportunity to take her life in any direction which she so desires: legislator, surgeon, business executive, philanthropist, activist, wife, mother ... the list goes on.
In a matter of decades, the definitive roles of men and women have changed drastically. And my, how beautiful it is to be embarking on a future where women are revered just as highly as men. Here's to the girls who are contributing to the "strong, independent woman" revolution that is constantly redefining the world we live in.
Here's to the girls who believe they can accomplish anything. So many of us have been told what is "realistic" for our futures or which places and roles are "appropriate" for us. However, this no longer applies to women, or anyone for that matter.
Here's to the girls who continue to "shock" the men around them. Any driven woman has come across the dumbfounded man at some point who is easily so surprised by her intelligence, passion, or capabilities. Bless the women who dismiss these dense comments or have a sense of humor when speaking to men who just can't seem to comprehend the idea of a qualified woman.
Here's to the girls who aren't afraid to stand out. No woman should belittle her intelligence, accomplishments, or outgoing nature. This isn't to say one should parade around town proclaiming her successes. But never deem it necessary to hide this side of yourself or downplay it, as to not draw too much (deserved) attention to yourself.
Here's to the girls who refuse to be bound by gender stereotypes. Women have taken on the difficult roles of wives, homemakers, and mothers for centuries. In today's world women are still excelling in these roles but now with the opportunity to excel in roles outside of the home as well. Power to the woman who refuses to be told her work and qualifications reside only in the home. The door has officially been opened and women are now ready to succeed on either side.
Here's to the girls who know what they want in life and are ready to put in the necessary time and effort. There is nothing that can be ruled out for a woman in today's world. She is able to dream up any path of direction for her life and take it. This one is for the women who will pour their heart, soul, and being into their dreams to see it become a reality.
Here's to the girls who believe they can, in fact, "have it all." When I say a woman has every opportunity in this life, I mean it. Let no woman feel restricted in this world. She can be a wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, and success in her career.
Here's to the girls who are taking the world by storm, day in and day out; the girls who are becoming the leaders of tomorrow; the girls who give every other woman in the world pride and honor in the phrase "like a girl."
Because guess what? I am a girl. And it's a girl who is now your competition ... so come prepared, because she's going to be ready to prove a lot of people wrong.