8 Worship Songs for When Times are Tough
We all have moments where we NEED to be reminded of God’s goodness and grace. Whether that’s because work was hard or because we suffer a loss, tuning into the truth of God’s love for us provides the peace we crave in those hard times.
1. You’re Beautiful by Phil Wickham
This song tells a story of how God’s beauty is found all around us. I love the truths and promises in this song, pushing me to put my trust in a God who is bigger than my insecurities and problems. This song has brought me joy and peace on some of my HARDEST days!
2. How He Loves by John Mark McMillan
I chose this song because, although it is overplayed in some church environments, I think it has such a powerful message about how much God loves us. My toughest moments come when I feel unloved and/or unnoticed so having a message like this song’s helps bring perspective to where my identity should be.
3. God is For Us by Chris Cauley
In Psalm 124, David writes “If the Lord had not been on our side” to start. The entire Psalm focuses on what would happen if God had not been FOR them. That passage and this song is such a great reminder that God is FOR us. He has never been and never will be against us. Romans 8:28 reminds us that “all things work together for the good of those who love God.” SO. When we go through the fire and flames of life, we, as believers, are promised that God is working for our good
4. Seas of Crimson by Shane & Shane
Any song that brings up the JOY that comes with Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection is a song that gets me through the TOUGHEST days. The story of how Jesus gave it all for us and rose again makes me so excited. This particular song is powerful because it is lyrically soothing. “For every CURSE, you’re the CURE.” I love the reassurance and peace this song brings to any tough situation
5. Sinking Deep by Hillsong
This song has been a personal favorite for many reasons, but really helps me remember that I want to be FOUND in the Lord and that He is my one desire. I find myself being overwhelmingly comforted that I am found in Him who created it all.
6. For the Cross by Bethel
Once again, this song is so powerful because of how it displays the crucifixion and resurrection! I love how this song builds and really hits hard when we sing about “It is Finished.” Singing out those words help remind me of how I don’t need to worry about anything because of what Jesus said in John 19:30
7. How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
This song is so important to me. I love the lyrics and it seems like there has not been a single rendition of this song that I didn’t absolutely LOVE. This song comforts me when I forget how loved I am or when I need to feel love. The love God sheds on us is so powerful and indescribable. I just love how this song highlights his DEEP love for us in a way that is comforting to us but praise to Him.
8. It is Well by Bethel
And of course, last but not least, “It is Well” is a song that has gotten me through the trials of life. Whether I’ve listened to the original hymn or Bethel’s newest version, I have been listening to this song since I was little. Remembering that even through the TOUGHEST of circumstances, knowing that God is beside me guiding me helps me see that it truly is well with my soul.