I recently read "Cheers To The Kids That Got Out" that was written by a fellow Odyssey writer. It was a very well written article, but it gave me so many mixed feelings and thoughts. My first thought was to give props to offer for having such strong feelings about something, and I wanted to congratulate her for finally leaving for town. That's what my second thought hit me though; what about all the kids that can't leave but want to. The way the author wrote her article made it seem like everyone that didn't leave their towns was because they didn't want to, but that's not the case for everyone.
We can't forget about the many kids who can't move away and leave their town no matter how much they want to or how much they try. Whether they're being held back by financial reasons or by their family, their stuck in the place they want to leave so badly. And despite the author stocks not everyone that stays in their hometown becomes nobodies. I just so happen to be one of those people can't leave.It's not that I don't like where grew up I just need a change of scenery, a new challenge to conquer. First it was high school, then it was college, and now I'm just waiting to see what happens next
So I would like to say a few things to the author. Yes I went to a college only two hours but guess what... I LOVE IT! To all the other kids that went to a college close to home, I applaud you for going to college. Also, so what if there's still people who are friends with their high school buddies. I think it's great they've kept the friendship going for that long. Being stuck in your little town doesn't mean you are a nobody who hasn't better themselves or explored any of them world. NEWS FLASH, SOME PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD TO DO THAT.
So before you put someone down for the stuff they haven't done, congratulate them for all the things they have done and give them a little good luck for all things they are going to do.