2016 was a fairly big year for me. I not only graduated from college, started my masters program, successfully wrote and defended my undergraduate thesis but I had a lot of success in my personal life as well. I moved back to my home state, I got a puppy and adjusted to my new life as a college grad.
While some may think that 2016 was a horrible year, I try to look on the positive side. The world made leaps and bounds in technology, medicine and more, all which will hopefully continue to improve going into 2017.
As for my own personal 2017, I hope that my masters program will continue to progress well and I will enjoy just as much as I already have. Finding this field has truly been a gift in which I did not think I would find. I am able to finally put a name on a career I have been comfortable in for years. I also hope that I can continue to grow in my program and push myself to learn more each day. I also am excited to see how my family progresses throughout the year and to see my puppy grow and celebrate his first birthday in March.
At the moment, I am right where I need to be. Is it perfect? Of course not. I wish my friends were closer to me, I wish my job paid a little better but overall everything I am going through will make me stronger and smarter than the day before. This year has had its challenges just like any other but I have found a way to make it positive. So here it is 2017. Let's make it a good one.