Senior year for the Class of 2017 is coming to an end and for many, it is a hard thing to come to terms with. This letter is to give you a glimmer of hope and a personal thank you for your contributions to the community of Christopher Newport University. Disclaimer: Names of particular students at CNU have been omitted in order to protect their privacy.
Dear graduating seniors of CNU,
You've officially completed your collegiate career and I couldn't be more proud of you! In May, you get to walk across the stage, accept your Bachelor's degree, and know that you are now prepared to take the first step into the rest of your life. It's exciting, isn't it? Some you will go to grad school and some of you will head straight into the workforce, but all of you will have one thing in common - you graduated as a captain. That right there is something to be proud of.
When my father graduated CNU, he was applying for several different jobs, the way most of you will do now if you haven't already. He walked into a panel interview, shaking in his boots, and nervously went through the entire interview getting the third degree about his experience and telling the panelists why he was most qualified for this job. As he was walking out, he told me he heard one of the panelists say "Where did he graduate from?" one of them answered "Christopher Newport University." To which one panelist replied, "Hire him."
Now, I may not be able to speak from experience of graduating college so, I know you're probably thinking- What does she know about what we will do after college? Well, I do know this- you have changed lives so there is no doubt in my mind that you will succeed. How do I know? Because a few of you have changed mine already.
Hannah Baker style, I'm going to introduce you to the three seniors who changed my life at CNU already and I've only been here a year. I promise this has a happier ending than 13 Reasons Why. So, without further ado, here they are...
Senior one, you were my first friend at CNU. Literally. I had no idea how to introduce myself to people and make my way into the CNU community, so I did what any basic girl would do- I tried to go Greek! I stumbled upon a table at one of the many overwhelming events and you sat down next to me and as happy as can be you introduced yourself to me. You told me all about how your friend was thinking of transferring to my old school and you'd love to get my number to meet sometime so I could tell you both about the school. I was a little shy, I'm sorry. Later in the week, we bumped into each other at Einstein's and you put your number in my phone to make sure we texted. Again, I'm sorry! I was a little shy and this time, a tad lazy and I didn't do it. It wasn't until I ran into you in McMurran Hall and you put my number in your phone to make sure we'd get in contact. I have to say, in my life, it was the first time I had ever seen someone be so persistent to be my friend and it made me feel more welcome in the CNU community and sure that I had chosen the right school. We went on to have a nice typical girl friendship but it wasn't until about two months ago when I realized how much of an impact you had on my life. You slapped down your graduation gown on the table when we were having lunch and told me how it was all too real that you were graduating. I'm pretty sure I played it cool until I got to the parking garage and teared up a little bit. My first friend at CNU was leaving. Thank you, Senior one, you showed me how welcoming CNU was and how being myself was a just fine way to gain friends.
Senior two, I'm pretty sure the first time I met you, I thought you were a hippy. I'm sorry, it was probably the hair. It wasn't until you asked for my Snapchat and I thought to myself "wow, hippies have snapchats?" Just kidding. I was a little shocked a senior boy wanted to talk to me because, let's be honest, I'm awkward when you first meet me. I'm weird the rest of the time but, that's a different story. Anyhow, you took me to my first CNU get-together. I mean, later you kissed me and it was magical and blah blah blah (insert stereotypical reason why you "changed" me). No. Every other get together I went to while in college they played heavy rap and almost every guy looked at me like I was a piece of meat and every girl like I was wearing a giant L on my forehead. It wasn't until I walked out of the bathroom and heard 3 straight up throwbacks that I would've never heard at any other party and watched everyone sing along and dance, that I knew. I knew that these were my kind of people. We danced for hours to these songs and you taught me that I really shouldn't care what others think of me. I can dance how I want and joke how I want and the right people will come. So thank you, Senior two, you're the coolest for tolerating my weirdness the way you have so far and teaching me that. Also, thanks for sharing your chocolate chip cookie from McDonald's with me a few weeks ago.
Senior three, one of my favorite people, not for the typical reasons but because you're one of the most genuine people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You're honest, you're fun to be around, and all around a great person. Anyone would be lucky to have you, know that. You taught me a multitude of things. The most important is that I don't have to be pretty and perfect and always on my a game in order to have friends at CNU. I could sit back, relax, and not worry if my makeup looks perfect or if I'm wearing the cutest outfit because it wasn't a competition and we were there to enjoy each other's company and talk about real things. I will never forget sharing breadsticks from discovery pizza, talking about guys, and sitting on the lawn even though it was windy all while your phone buzzes for the latest hockey score update. Thank you for being you, it was just what I needed this year, Senior three.
Hopefully, every senior reading this knows that while they didn't have to be one of these three, they did change lives in their collegiate career and will continue to do so after they walk across the stage in May. Go and as Paul Trible says, "...set the world on fire."