For the first time in your life you get the opportunity to really choose where you want to get an education. Leaving high school teens chose to travel across the country to go to the school their hearts fell in love with. But here is the thing with college, nothing and no one can truly prepare you for what you will come face to face with.
It’s all fun and games until you have five exams, four projects, and two papers in a week. Sleep is crucial and if you put work on the back-burner you will get none. There is a reason the libraries on campus are so stinking big. Use all of the resources available. Read up on information, get a tutor, have an aide help with research, and use the quiet environment. They say no food, but just don’t pack anything too messy and don’t make eye contact and you should be fine. There is this weird correlation where if you go to the library and actually study you get better grades.
You walk on to campus and there must be something in the water because you will be hungry all the damn time. The freshman fifteen IS REAL. Midnight runs to McDonalds for chicken nuggets are a real thing and happen more than you would like to admit. The days of not eating something you can’t pronounce are long over, especially if it is free. Remember when your mom told you not to talk to her before she had her coffee? Yeah, you will understand exactly what she meant if you do not already.
You are going to make THAT one friend. It is inevitable. You will become acquaintances with the kid that lives down the hall, always strumming his guitar and singing with his door open. You will always know who was drinking the night before because they will show up to brunch in last night’s clothing and a sweet pair of sunglasses. You will realize where you see one athlete you will see twenty because they travel in groups.
Different from high school, in college there are parties every weekend. By weekend I mean Thursday through Sunday. Make sure your priorities are straight. But if you do end up going out here are a few things to know. Do not go alone. Make sure you have a charged phone and someone to come and rescue you if you need it. Do not go alone. People are going to make bad decisions. Items will be stolen or lost. It can be fun but it is still dangerous.
You will miss home. Make sure to call your mother once in a while. She will be worried. Do not take for granted the hugs you get from her in the morning. You will miss them. She is going to be so proud of all your accomplishments and always on the other side of the phone when you have a breakdown.
Out of everything, you are going to make so many memories. Take spontaneous adventures always cherishing and documenting them. Take a bunch of pictures so you can look back on them and still feel in the moment. Make as many friends as you can. Be different. Give compliments. Help a stranger. Stuff your face with pizza until you can’t walk anymore. Always use your manners. Dance in the rain. Wear extra-large hoodies. Hold the door open for the people behind you. Wink at the haters but most of all smile.