Those girls would thank me, I think yet again as I scroll through Facebook, searching for the latest one. If I can dissuade some of them from…”getting involved” with him, that’s a few more girls who are free in this world. Free to find normal boyfriends and a family. I don’t know any of those things.
I don’t want to complain. Zeus is good to me, most of the time. He never hits me and always texts back when I text him. He can be…a little neglectful at times but I love him despite it. He’ll come back after leaving for a few days and pretend nothing happened. I don’t bring it up. He yells when I do.
We’re very secure financially so I don’t need a job. That’s fine with me. I like to be at home, preparing for our family that we’ll have soon. He keeps brushing it off when I want to talk about starting one so I don’t push it. I don’t want to scare him away. That’s what happened to some of my sisters and I can’t end up like them. I’m the oldest, raised most conservatively, expected to follow the rules and set an example. Typical oldest child. But I should have it together. That’s what Zeus tells me. And he’s right, honestly. I’m just lucky to have found someone who’s as strong and supportive as he is. Despite his shortcomings, I love him.
So that’s another reason I find these girls of his and make them leave him alone. It’s not his fault that he goes after them, he doesn’t even know he’s doing anything wrong. He doesn’t see it as cheating and he says I shouldn’t either. So I don’t. But it’s not fair to him to find other girls who can’t take care of him as well as I can. They don’t know how to listen to him talk about his day. Or make macaroni and cheese with extra cheese and a whole stick of butter.
But I do, so I’m just helping him. And also them. They don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. They just see a traditionally handsome man and are attracted to him. They’re not very smart, see? But he’s not as nice to them as he is to me: he interrupts them when they’re talking and tells them to their face how they compare to other girls he’s been with. I feel bad for them.
Yes, sometimes I happen to run into him and one of these girls when I’m shopping or with my sisters. That’s how I find them on Facebook, I’m really good, see. It’s different with every one and I won’t bother you with the boring details, but I have convinced every girl she…doesn’t want to be with Zeus. He thinks it’s cute that I care this much. I think that’s why he actually goes out with these girls, to make me jealous. I can’t blame him, sometimes I look like I’ve lost interest in him. But I never have. I’m always...watching out for him. Because he needs me, not those others.