Henry Cavill, whom we all know as Superman aka Clark Kent from the DC universe has been under major scrutiny because of his remarks at the #MeToo movement. Most of his attackers are Feminists and think he's horrible for being an old-fashioned gentleman. I, being a non-feminist millennial, agree with Mr. Cavill.
Men aren't allowed to be men anymore.
They can't go past a point of saying "Hello" to a woman who might be unreceptive before they are labeled as being a misogynistic woman hater. Henry says in his interview with GQ Australia "There's something wonderful about a man chasing a woman … I think a woman should be wooed and chased, but maybe I'm old-fashioned for thinking that."
Is that too much for the modern feminist to take? A man wooing her? Some of the responses to Cavill's speech have been from some very negative ones. Women saying that being chased sounds non-romantic and scary. Really?
When did this happen?
When did we go from men being gentlemen and asking women on dates to women being repulsed by the thought of a man showing interest in her? I mean really, how do we expect the human race to continue if there are no more couplings. Where will it lead us in the coming years?
In my personal opinion, feminists are ruining men for the ones who want to be pursued. I know that male celebrities have gotten away with a lot over the years, but that's Hollywood. They are stars and EVERYONE, including the women, feel they are above the law. There have been allegations brought against so many of the male celebrities that it's become almost a daily occurrence.
And now that Henry Cavill wanted to say his piece on the matter of #MeToo he's had publicly apologize for his statements. When is It going to stop? I get that women want the power to be heard and move up in the world, but at some point, it is going to get largely out of hand.
Young men are growing up resenting women for the feminist agenda. Every feminist thinks they have the right to trample men into the ground and hold their heads up high for it. Most have forgotten what the original feminist movement was for and have moved on to complete feminine domination.
I understand the fact the men were the leaders for a long time and women were told it was their place to stay home and raise the kids and take care of the house, but can't we learn to compromise? Men and women working together to create a better world, not the Feminists driving men to be scared to approach them or even suggest that they are pretty.
I grew up in a house where my father was the protector and provider for the rest of us and my brother grew up to be the same type of man. The women in my family were not raised to rely on men solely, but we were raised to acknowledge their position as the head of the family. I do not support men being abusive to women, but I don't support the abuse of men either.
Women say they are looking for the real men out there, well you have the feminists to thank for real men disappearing.