God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. -Genesis 1:16
He made the stars also.
That verse, that single phrase, is one of my absolute favorite verses in the entire Bible. He made the stars also. Just ponder that for a second. Think about how simple that phrase is. Think about how effortlessly that comes across. It was nothing for Him to cover the sky with beautiful balls of fire that we would so come to adore. He just did it.
He made the stars also.
We have no way of knowing just how many stars there are, but it is estimated that there are over 100 billion in our galaxy alone. Stars are different colors and tempuratures. Stars are many different sizes, some even 100x the size of the sun. Some stars are closer to us, while many are very far away. Stars go through different life stages and change over time. He made all of these billions of different, unique, beautiful stars, and it was easy for Him.
He made the stars also.
God speaks to each of us differently, and He really speaks to me through the stars. He has given me a special love and appreciation for stars. He always displays extra when I really need to see them, or just to remind me that He is there, or sometimes just to make me smile. Stars bring me peace, happiness, joy, and so much awe for the what the Lord has created. I simply can not get over the way that something that gives me so much, something so beautiful and magnificent, was created so easily by the hand of God.
He made the stars also, and I am so thankful He did.