I am on my second year of college and have learned some things in that time being. I'm not going to say that I have everything figured out because if you have talked to me in real life you will see I don't. I have found some websites that have helped me make it through my first year of college. These websites have helped me and may not help you. We are all in different situations and live different lives.
1. RateMyProfessors.com
This is a life saver. I'm not even joking when I say this. This has saved many kids from picking teachers they may not do well with. On this website students do anonymous reviews of different teachers on your campus. Literally every teacher that I have taken and had been rated on this site were very accurate. I even went on the website after finishing a class and game my opinion hoping to help others that are looking for some insight into the classes that are on our schedule.
2. Chegg.com
Here's one really good advice, never buy your books. Don't buy your book if you don't need to. Save your money and just rent them for less. Books cost so much and you literally use them for one semester and sometimes you use them very little. So if you can't find your book online rent your books here. Its a website where you can rent textbooks , sell textbooks , and can help with homework. When the semester is over you have to send them back through UPS without an additional charge.
3. DineOnCampus.com
ChartWell is this catering company that will probably be catering to your dining halls. You have limited amount of meal plans and don't want to waste them. Check this website site out and it will tell you what is acceptable as a one of your meal plans. It will also list the menu for the day so you can plan accordingly. I have had many bad days at the dining halls and ended up eating nothings. SO don't waste your meals like I did you can check before you swipe and decide before you go to the dining hall. It also shows what you can order that would be considered a meal plan if you choose to eat at one of the dining establishments; such as Chick- fill-a. It includes information on calories, proteins, information for vegans and vegetarians for those wanting to avoid the freshman 15.
4. Quizlet.com
This is my main source of reviewing for test. I have literally used it since my freshman year of high school and it hasn't failed me yet. Its a website where you can make your study guide and use different ways to study it. The information can be organized by flash cards, learn, speller, test, scatter, and gravity. You can enter the information and you choose the way you want to review. I have been lucky several times and have found other students that have shared their quizlets on specific tests and subjects, and if you are really lucky you may find one for a specific teacher with a full study guide.