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10 Helpful Tips For Managing Your Mental Health

You got this.

10 Helpful Tips For Managing Your Mental Health

A lot of people in the world struggle with their mental health. Some people get anxiety before tests, have seasonal depression, or actively get help for a diagnosed mental health issue they have. Whatever it may be, it can be easy to get caught up in our thoughts and forget about the world around you. It's always good to have some tricks up your sleeve to help you when you're having one of those days, and these 10 things are some that I highly recommend.

1. Use a diary card

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No, a diary card is really an actual diary. It definitely can be, but there's a bunch you can find online that allow you to mark down all of the emotions you felt during your day. Diary cards allow you to write down the intensity of each emotion, and you can even put little notes for what happened that day. I highly recommend them because it only takes two minutes to fill out and is extremely beneficial for your mental health.

2. Go to therapy

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I'm going to urge everyone, whether they have a mental health diagnosis or not, to go to therapy for the rest of their lives because everyone can always use a little bit of it. Talking out your feelings, even if it's only once a week or once a month, can help a lot even when you don't think you need it.

3. Take medication

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This doesn't necessarily apply to everyone, but if you feel like medication will help out your mental health, don't be afraid to make an appointment to get some. There is a definite stigma around mental health medication, but sometimes we can only equate how we feel to the silly chemical imbalances in our brain, and that is totally okay.

4. Get a weighted blanket

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My weighted blanket is actually the best purchase I've ever made. Somehow it has magical powers to help with insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, or even just to calm down someone before they fall asleep. The weight from the blanket helps to slow your thoughts and take the ease off of your mind for a little bit while you sleep.

5. Affirmations

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Affirmations can be hard to get into, at least for me, because it requires constant effort every day. However, they can be extremely helpful. Once you start to do affirmations enough, when you encounter a difficult situation that affects your mental health, your mind will start to remember the good things you say about yourself every day which can help combat those tough situations.

6. Mindfulness apps

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My personal favorites are Headspace, Calm, and Pacifica. There's a ton more out there to choose from, but they all pinpoint certain aspects of mental health to ensure calmness and mindfulness throughout your days. They also send out reminders every day to be aware of your emotions which always helps me out too.

7. Find your stress relievers

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Whether it's going on a walk, hanging out with good friends, taking a hot shower or watching your favorite movie, it's so important to find your stress relievers. Sometimes life can become too much, so knowing what you react to best when you're a stressed a little more than usual is in your best interest. It can be hard to know what those things are, but once you find them, always continue to do them.

8. Exercise

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Recently exercise has become my second form of therapy. I could be having a bad day, but once I sweat everything out, I'm more focused, have more energy, and am overall a lot less anxious. This may not be the case for everyone, but working out gives you great endorphins, so consistently working out is sure to benefit you. Remember, your mind, body, and soul are connected, so in order to take care of one you have to take care of the others.

9. Find your outlets

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Find the people that you know you can talk to when you're having a bad day. There's always someone, I promise you, but you have to allow yourself to be open with them. It does no good to sit inside your head all day, so make sure there's always someone you can process your thoughts with.

10. Take a step back

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Most importantly, remember to take a step back. Even if that just means getting up and leaving the room you're in when you're having an anxiety attack, that's okay. A change in environment can be crucial to refocusing and putting things into perspective. Sometimes it can be easy to spiral, so when you catch yourself doing it, remember to think of the big picture.

There's still a big stigma around mental health, but the more we talk about it the more people will take care of themselves and get the help they need. It's okay to struggle with your mental health because chances are, if you're going through something, someone else is going through the exact same thing. Recognize it, talk it out, and always remember to stay focused on what is good now rather than what could be good if you tried harder. You got this.

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