Periods are the devil's invention. A few months ago, I was driving to the library and a driver honked at me a millionth of a second after the light turned green. I responded by yelling a variety of profanities. Less than five minutes after I cussed at that driver, I cried because I saw someone walking their puppy. When I got home, I realized I had gotten my period. If that doesn't explain periods, then I don't know what does. I was 12 years old when I got my first period, and seven years later, I think these are my best tips.
Get organic tampons or a menstrual cup. Cramps are the worst, but the chemicals that are in your tampons may be making it worse. Organic tampons don't have these chemicals and neither do menstrual cups because menstrual cups are made of silicone.
Heated blankets are the most underutilized source of amazingness. Just lying down on a heated blanket with cramps, feels amazing and the same goes for heating packs. Plus hot showers and hot baths are equally helpful.
The first two days of my period, I can hardly move. These are the days Netflix is my friend. I recommend "Parks and Recreation," "Scrubs," "Chuck" and "Game of Thrones." "Game of Thrones" is not on Netflix, but I love that show, and a lot of people die. It's always nice to know someone is bleeding more than you.
If you don't have Netflix or HBO, the best YouTube channels I would recommend are Joe Santagato, he always makes me laugh no matter how bad my day is going and "Good Mythical Morning;" the hosts Rhett and Link are quirky and funny and their videos are always informative. This is probably my favorite Joe Santagato video.
This is probably my favorite "Good Mythical Morning" video.
If you are at work or basically somewhere where you can't get to your Midol, deep breathing is great. It gives you some else to focus on other than cramps. Plus some period symptoms overlap with symptoms of a heart attack or the early stages of labor. If pregnant women practice deep breathing as they go into labor, it's a good idea for you to do the same.
Drink tons of water. Tea can also help. Ginger tea helps nausea, while chamomile tea will calm you down. On Amazon they have a tea called moon tea. I have never tried it, but it's highly rated.
Avoid salty, fatty and sugary foods. As well as caffeine and alcohol. I know you're craving all that, but you will regret it. Also avoid aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner and will cause you to bleed more. Instead, use natural pain relievers: ibuprofen (you still need to limit the ibuprofen; it's not good for your liver) and Midol.
Instead eat dark chocolate, berries, yogurt, baked potatoes, salmon, spinach, whole wheat bread, bananas and cinnamon.
If you're feeling up to it, try light exercises. I get it if you don't want to; in high school I would seriously wish girls didn't have to participate if they were on their period. But if you can it will be good for you.
Just because you feel like crap doesn't mean you have to look like crap. Treat yourself to a DIY facial and put your favorite outfit on. But if you don't want to leave the house and just want to stay in your favorite sweatpants and eat loads of chocolate, that's understandable.
Know difference between PMDD and PMS.
Know how to remove period stains so that way, you don't have to feel sad when you ruin any cute underwear or white sheets.
My apologies to other girls on their period. Honestly I think complaining about periods and other women problems is one thing that brings women together. Remember you're a badass.