I just recently started my first "big girl" job, the internship that I was offered for this summer. Because I have a light course load I told them I could start whenever they wanted me, as long as it fit my class schedule. From the application process to attending orientation, I felt slightly overwhelmed. I had been through the interview process before and hadn't had much luck in landing an internship, so it made me very wary of the things I said and how I presented myself. As if I wasn't already extremely nervous, I worked myself up even more. Looking back on the experience, I realized a few things people had said to me before that I wish I would have actually listened to. Hopefully, if you're in need of hearing it, you'll listen this time too.
Don't dwell on mistakes.
Everyone makes them, Hannah Montana said so. It's inevitable, especially in a new environment, that you're going to mess up. Whether it's a big or small mistake, it's going to happen. That being said, it's not the end of the world. Don't be afraid to ask questions and see how you can improve to do it correctly the next time. If you get too down on yourself about one little mistake, you're just going to be more likely to screw up again and again. You're only human, so don't hold yourself to the highest standard possible. Learn from the mistake and try again.
Do your "homework."
Know what you're getting yourself into. Whether it be asking questions ahead of time in the interviews or reading over the job description a million times, you should have an idea of what you signed up for. You'll most likely go through some sort of orientation or training process before/while actually starting the job, so you will be taught the most important parts. Don't just leave it at that and clear it from your mind when you go home. You want to be prepared so you can better serve your company and feel more confident in your work moving forward.
Network, network, network.
While you're still in the interview process, look on the company's LinkedIn. Try to see if anyone you may know worked there, currently works there, or knows someone who does/has. It's helpful to show that you're really interested, and even if you weren't to get the job you would still have made a connection–both virtually and in real life. If/When you do get the job, even just a connection on LinkedIn can make you feel more engaged with the company itself. Real-life networking is of course even more important. If the environment allows, talk with your coworkers and get to know them. Bond over shared interests and experiences, such as attending the same college or liking the same movies. You're going to be working with them for (hopefully!) a long time, so you might as well find some common ground.
Be confident.
Speaking of confidence...have it! You got the job because your employer believes you have what it takes to fulfill their needs. Don't second guess yourself and try not to overthink every move you make. Again, if you make a mistake, that's okay. But when you do something right, be proud of yourself! Celebrate the little victories until they become big ones. Having confidence will help you get the respect of your coworkers as well as help you in the future. Once you get past one hurdle, it makes the next one seem less scary.
Be yourself.
This is something everyone tells you like advice for literally any situation. Being in a new environment is scary, especially in an office where nearly every other worker has a lot more experience that you. That being said, the only way to really get in and click with your coworkers is by relating with them. How do you relate? By being your normal self. It will help you be more comfortable and it will show your colleagues what they're getting.