It seems as if every day one of my good friends is calling me that reminds me of some of the best life rules I've learned. Life is tough sometimes, and being in your twenties is a crazy time. You're making huge life strides, achieving degrees, new jobs, buying houses, having fun and-- sometimes-- falling in love. Then there's also the times of losing jobs, failing a class, drifting from friends and having hearts broken. Sometimes, we need these simple 15 reminders. Here are the ones I think about the most.
1. Be Kind.
2. Think before you speak.
Once it's said, you can't take it back.
3. People are allowed to have different opinions than you do.
And you have no right to correct them if you believe them to be wrong.
4. Lingering on the past is like walking on a tread mill-- you will go nowhere.
Sing like Elsa and "Let it go!"
5. Consider the source.
6. If someone can't see what you bring to the table, then you're better off sitting there alone.
No use in proving your worth when someone better already sees it.
7. In the words of Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Be a simple kind of man."
8. You're allowed to not be OK.
And you're allowed to take the time to get yourself back to your happy place.
9. Tell your parents you love them.
10. You catch more bees with honey.
And a smile.
11. Be with someone who makes your life easier.
12. Don't judge anyone else's life but your own. Their decisions aren't your problem.
Differences are what make people so interesting.
13. Despite popular opinion, people will remember your actions.
14. Have tact.
At the end of the day, you'll know you can still walk around with your head held high.