When going to a job interview, those prior ten minutes of waiting can seem especially daunting. I’m sure we’ve all felt that flutter in our stomachs and that subtle flicker in our hearts, right before our names are called.
Those ten minutes before a job interview can seem intimidating, so here are some ways to cope with the uneasiness, stress or pressure associated with interviewing for a job.
1. Remain calm.
We all know that eerie feeling we get when faced with something intimidating. The key is to steady your breath, relax your muscles, and stay optimistic. Moving your body and practicing steady breathing can help circulate enough energy for your body to become supple, and your mind sharp. You could do this on the street, in the elevator, or in the restroom. It can take four seconds.
"In addition, you are better able to think how you can best present your accomplishments in alignment with what is important to the interviewer, and being calm also demonstrates your ability to deal with stressful situations."
Career coach Anita Attridge, also says staying calm before and during an interview allows you to listen better and to stay focused on how to best respond to questions. (Cohen, 2014)
2. Get there early.
Nothing is more stressful than running late to an important event. Imagine arriving to your interview with beads of sweat dripping down your back.Then picture yourself slightly out of breath by the time your interviewer shakes your hand. Not so ideal?
Imagine what would be going through your own mind while you darted down the street to make your interview, only to arrive with no time to mentally prepare.
Get there early so you can get yourself settled and feel comfortable and confident walking in.
3. Be friendly to everyone.
It never hurts to show your potential new workplace that you’re a kind person. It'll give them a positive impression of you for future reference.
This does include the security guards and the receptionist or anyone that greets you. They’re the ones who will probably be reporting back to the hiring manager about how you behaved.
4. Do your homework.
Show the company you’re interviewing for that you have looked at their website to get a feel for its culture, business goals, products or services, and accomplishments.
Making that extra effort to show that you're genuinely interested in their company might help you stand out among other applicants. Show them that you’re passionate or optimistic in what they do, and joining their team. It's an attractive quality to show initiative.
Do your homework on who might be your interviewer, you might have more in common with them than you'd think. My father, an entrepreneur, once told me that while interviewing, he disregards those applicants who made it clear that they never looked at his website. He'd say that those who showed a real interest in him, his company, and finding commonalities made them more likely to get the job than those who seemed somewhat detached.
5. Maintain your best power pose posture.
Not only does proper posture help you come across as level-headed and poised, but you’ll feel a different level of confidence from lifting your shoulders and straightening your spine. Stand up tall, and walk into that office with conviction.
Stay positive and stay focused.
6. Remember an interview is ALSO a conversation.
Resist the urge to list your accomplishments or give a cookie cutter, overly rehearsed answer. You wouldn’t want your words to seem scripted or inauthentic.
“You want to know your stuff, but remember your interview is a conversation. Trust that you know what you know, and that the interview will take on a flow of its own.” (Smith, 2014)
7. Prepare questions.
You can check out the company’s official website and their LinkedIn profile, as well as other social media channels.
Make a list of questions to ask during the interview. Prepare and maybe even practice interviewing with a friend.
8. Think happy thoughts. Think of past scenarios when you felt confident.
This may sound cliché, but thinking of anything that makes you smile and feel comfortable might help put you in the proper state of mind for an interview. This is your chance to focus your energy on who you’re meeting with, and what you want them to remember about you.
You want the job, and yet there’s a war going on inside your head. There’s one voice that says, Of course you’ll get it. You’re more than qualified and you have a great resume, they can’t not love you.
And at the same time, you have a similar voice whispering, who do you think you are? There are all these other applicants who are remarkibly intelligent with impressive resumes, why do I stand out?
Remember, you are worthy of a great job and you deserve the best.
Loosen up, you're going to do great.