Midterms, they sneak up on you like nothing else. One week, you're chilling in all of your classes. The next, chaos as every class has something due, whether it be a major exam or a group project. Accounting majors stress about equations, Engineering majors rush to finish projects, Chem majors are crying over periodic tables--it's a whole mess. Midterms are especially difficult in the Spring semester as the sweet promise of Spring Break distracts you every other minute. How can you focus on an essay when you know in a week you're going to be sitting on a beach somewhere without a care in the world? But despite all this, college students gotta college. So here are five things to help get any student through this Midterm Hell Week.
Coffee...and Lots of it
If you didn't like coffee before, you will now. A warm, comforting beverage that can provide you with all the energy you need for your late night study sesh? You can't get better than that.
Create To Do Lists and Follow Them
Midterms can have everyone feeling overwhelmed as they feel like they have a hundred things to do and no time to do them. Creating to do lists and writing in a planner can help those due dates feel more concrete and less like a wave of stuff. Plus it is so satisfying to cross things off as you go through them, giving you some much needed motivation.
Snackfood...But Keep it Healthy
When you have two exams and a paper due all in one week, it can be hard to remember to take care of yourself. It is all but impossible to make it to a dining hall when you are holed up in your dorm with a computer. But you still have to eat, so make sure to stack up on food supplies to munch on while you study. Just try to keep them somewhat healthy as junk food can actually make you feel worse than you already do.
GET. SOME. SLEEP. The main thing that students struggle with this week is getting some much needed ZZZ's. If it's three am and you still feel like you know ~nothing~ from your philosophy class, just turn in and call it a night. It can sound counterproductive, but more than likely you are just burnt out from staring at a screen all day and forcing yourself into further sleep deprivation isn't going to help anything. So take a break, tuck in, and try again in an hour.
A Good Study Room
SO hard to come by, but so great when you get them. Study rooms can be found all over campus and are the perfect place to focus your attention on the material at hand. There's something about writing on a whiteboard that just makes you feel so productive. Do try to get these in groups though, as many people will see you as rude for taking up one solo, and you might just be asked to move.