As pride month comes to an end, it's important to not only have fun, but also think critically about what you can do to support LGBT people year-round, not just within the month of June. LGBT people face discrimination and serious issues such as homelessness and hunger due to often being kicked out of their homes, and left to fend for themselves. Trans women, and trans women of color especially face the most discrimination.
There are things you can do to help, besides participating in pride events.
1. Advocate for LGBT Safe Spaces
Too often LGBT people are left out of the conversation, or made to feel unsafe in school and workplaces. Encourage schools to form GSA clubs, teach about LGBT history, and speak out against homophobia. Advocate for gender neutral bathrooms. Stand up against workplace discrimination. Make sure that LGBT people feel safe in the places they work and study, and stand up for them if they don't.
2. Stay Informed
The truth is, you'll never stop understanding how to be a good ally. There will always be things you don't understand, and things to keep learning about how to be supportive. As long as you keep learning, and keep growing, you can help the LGBT community with current issues.
3. Shut Down Hateful Rhetoric
LGBT kids are more likely to be bullied, and LGBT employees are more likely to face workplace discrimination. If you see it happening, help. If you hear coworkers or friends using hate speech, or speaking against LGBT people, speak up. Don't let people get away with homophobia, no matter how 'non-threatening' it may seem.
4. Donate to Food Banks and Homeless Shelters that Help LGBT People
Homeless shelters and food banks help a lot of LGBT individuals who are living on the streets, or going hungry. The biggest thing you can do to support these organizations is donate to keep the funding going. Don't donate to organizations like the Salvation Army that discriminate against LGBT people. Give your money to organizations that will help.
5. Volunteer with LGBT Supportive Organizations
If you can't donate your money, donate your time. Volunteer with local organizations that actively help LGBT people. Organizations like Planned Parenthood, which offers free testing, NextGen, which organizes events and rallies the community to fight LGBT issues, and the Human Rights Campaign, which works towards rallying and educating communities.
6. Call Your Local Representatives
Stay current on issues impacting the LGBT community, and call your local representative to see what they're doing. And don't stop calling until they actively make a stand.
7. Vote!
Voting is crucial to helping the LGBT community. Do research on your state representatives and government officials, and vote! Vote out those who are working against the community, and vote in representatives who can and will help.
8. Listen
Finally, and most importantly, listen. Listen to your LGBT friends and neighbors. Don't speak over them. Listen to what they have to say. We have a voice and we want to be heard. The best thing you can do is listen to our thoughts, our concerns, and the issues we care about, and make sure others hear us too.
Happy pride month everybody!