School is hard, classes suck, it causes anxiety for most. Why would you be excited for it to start again after a nice long summer? Finding things that you do love about going back to school helps. Whether it be getting new binders or just being one step closer to graduation, once you find that thing hold onto it.
1. Getting new school supplies.
Before every semester I go to the dollar store or Target/Walmart and pick up some cute new school supplies. Sometimes it's colorful pens or a new binder, having new stuff makes me excited to use it. I have found almost 30 unused highlighters in my house so maybe don't go too crazy.
2. Having an enjoyable class.
We all know most classes are annoying and difficult. However, if you have one class just pick something from it that you're excited to learn. For me, in my really hard classes, I'll pick a section that looks fun to explain. I just get excited to explain something really difficult for my friends and family.
3. Vacations.
Every semester has some sort of break in it. Fall semester has Labor Day so make a plan for it. Maybe go to the beach or just a have a pizza night with friends. Making plans gives you something to look forward to.
4. Seeing old friends.
If you're already taking classes in your major you'll probably know a lot of people. Now's the chance to see old friends and catch up. You don't have to be super close but at least you'll have someone to sit next to!
5. Parties.
Partying every night will destroy your college life but fall semester has the best parties. Going out every now and then breaks up the monotony of daily life. Give yourself a break every now and then so you don't fall into a rut.
6. Study buddies.
The best way to make studying seem like less of a chore is by doing it with others. Find a group of people that can make jokes and laugh while still learning the material. Once you find a good group you'll be excited to go and study.
7. Meeting new people.
If you're a freshman or sophomore you'll meet new people every semester. You'll make countless friends if you want to. Start creating group chats or go to events. School goes by a lot quicker with other people around.
8. Actually going back to school.
A lot of students spend summer at home or abroad so it's nice to go back to the normal routine. Missing your dorm or apartment is totally normal. You may even miss the messy roommate who left dishes out all summer. Getting back to school and your dorm may make you excited to be home.
9. School events.
Every college has some sort of events going on, usually every week. At FGCU, we have welcome weeks, homecoming weeks, events on the lawn. Sororities and Frats have fundraising events that are going on and all the clubs have things they're giving away. Knowing about these events and going to them can make you less bummed about being in class.
10. Halloween (or other holidays).
Fall semester, in particular, has Halloween right in the middle. Having a scary movie marathon or going to a pumpkin patch makes October go by quickly. Following Halloween is Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah so just remember you have plenty of breaks.
11. You're closer to graduation.
You're one semester closer to being done! You'll start your job or go to more school. So keep your head up as you get ready to move on.