If you have ever had someone you know or were related to living in a toxic relationship, but didn’t know what to do, this one is for you. I wish I had helpful advice for those who are currently in a toxic relationship, but never having been in one I can’t give any advice. If you know someone who is being abused physically or mentally and don’t know how to help or how to get them away from their destructive boyfriend or girlfriend there are a few things you can do to help them.
First, you should always listen with an open mind instead of criticizing them because you can’t understand the situation.
Remember you’re not going to know everything little thing that is happening in their relationship, only the things they are willing to tell you. It is very important to be the person they can confide in, but it can also be one of the hardest positions put yourself through. Even though you will feel the anger rise through your body as they tell you all the abuse they are going through make sure you can think before you speak.
When giving advice or your opinion on the circumstances watch your tone, words, and expressions. Whoever is confiding in you about their toxic relationship is already on the edge and you can easily anger them. Sometimes it’s like walking on eggshells, carefully examining every move you make and every word you say. Although being the confidant comes with its challenges you are so significant in their life.
Each abusive situation is different, and you must learn as you go along how to help them.
You will make mistakes, but don’t be so hard on yourself, at least you are trying. Be careful not to completely put your life on hold and drown yourself in their unfortunate circumstances. If you are the type of person to put everyone before yourself it is easy, but you are losing important years in your life also.
No one deserves to be abused physically or mentally, it affects them and everyone who loves them. It fills everyone involved with so much hatred and stress. There is no upside to it. If you or someone you know, and love are going through a dark relationship right now, try your best to help in any and every way possible because when they are no longer in that situation a sense of peace will come back into your life. It is worth it to give all you have and help someone going through abuse.
Don’t give up even when it feels like they will never walk away from the relationship.