Summer is here, which means most likely, you moved back home with mom and dad. They're the best roommates you could ask for during the three months you are home for the summer. However, you're home for 12 hours, and you are already being asked to do this and that... Let me be lazy and lay around.
So let's jump into everything our parents ask us to do within the first week of being home...
1. Unpack.
You have been home what 12 hours? Yeah, well, that doesn't stop mom and dad. "Can you please do something with all your stuff? We are tired of looking at it."
I just got home, let me live, and let me sleep, please. Mom and dad, I live a hard life.
2. Can you set the table for dinner?
Do this, do that... I'M SORRY, WHAT? Mom, I understand that you need me to help out around the house, but can you please not ask me to do anything? I have had a week full of finals and I do not want to do anything. I love you but let me drown in my low GPA and the M&Ms you have laying around the house. Thanks.
3. Did you make those appointments?
Since you have been away at school, most likely you aren't going to the doctor, so it's time to make an "appointment day." Don't worry, mom saved all the postcards with the doctors' numbers on them and mentioned that it's time to make the appointment. Mom, can you do it for me? I don't want to be an adult today.
4. Why is there candy everywhere?
I don't know if you have parents like mine, the ones that love the little bowls of candy all around the house. I am not opposed, but that summer figure isn't going to happen by eating assorted chocolates every time I walk by. Can you switch that with some fruit or something?
5. You should read this...
My parents love reading the newspaper ,and every time there is an article they like, they say "you should read this," "you should read that." I just want to watch Netflix and lay in my bed. Anything with words on it makes me want to shut my eyes. Okay kind of morbid, but netflix and chill anyone?
6. Stop cooking, I'm always hungry.
At school, we had to leave to go get food, leave our beds, but at home, you are 10 steps from the pantry or the stove. There is always something in the fridge... it's all there and it is so wonderful.
7. When do you start work?
STOP. I know I am a broke college student, but please don't ask me about when I am starting work. I just want to relax, take three naps a day, and eat a lot of food. Don't worry mom and dad. I start Monday.
For all of you who just got home from college and have nagging parents like I do, you aren't alone. We all want to lay low and enjoy our first week off before we start to work for the rest of the summer.