As depicted by the sudden influx of people who seemed to have recently come out of hibernation and adventure outdoors, it can safely be said it is almost that time of year again.
The season you have all been dreaming about while at your lowest of lows during the negative degree weather winter nights. So close you can almost taste it. Prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen; put away those extra blankets and thick wool sweaters because, after a long and freezing winter, you are finally thawed out and ready for some sunshine.
Spring is coming and here are a few reasons as to why I’m excited:
1. The Weather
The obvious one! The past few weeks have been nothing but a tease. A few beautifully warm days here and there that get our hopes up, only to be crushed by a snow flurry the following day. But these days are only a glimpse into the into the blissfully warm weather that comes along with the months composed of the Spring season. No more snow putting a damp chill into your days, thank God; you can forget about those days for a while.
2. Being Outside
Drawn closely from the effect of the warm weather, is my excitement of being outside during Spring. Walks to and from class don’t seem like much of a burden anymore, and more so present themselves as exciting opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. After being cooped up inside, trapped by the cold exterior, it is now a time again to get up, stretch, close your eyes, and breathe in that crisp Spring air.
3. Being Happier
It may just be me, but I doubt it - everyone seems to automatically become happier as soon as winter is over. Something about the sun shining and the snow melting brightens everyone’s moods. Everyone enjoys how days begin to seem longer again, with the sun shining its glorious rays longer throughout the day. Your overall mentality appears to do a total 180 and you are eager to accomplish daily tasks, especially if they require being outside.
4. Driving With The Windows Down
No real explanation needed here. It’s one of the greatest feelings, blasting your music with the windows down and the warm air flowing into your car and caressing your face. You feel a little cooler driving with sunglasses on, not sure why, but you and I both know you do. So throw on your shades, roll those windows down, turn up your music and just go for a joyride as the sun reaches its peak and begins its descent to sunset.
5. Birds Chirping
I noticed this the other day, and it was almost comical how excited it made me - waking up to the noise of birds chirping. Whether it’s me just feeling like a fairytale Disney princess waking up to the song of animals or what, I love this aspect of spring. The birds flaunt their voices at all points of the day, reminding us that it is sunny and warm.
6. The Flowers
So pretty! What seemed so gloomy and dull during winter is transformed into luxuriant blossoms and bright green grass. No more empty tree branches, as they are freshly lined with flourishing leaves that dance in the gentle spring breeze.
7. Babies
Baby animals, of course. Little baby bunnies, ducklings, deer, etc. find their way out into the world and bless our sights with their cuteness.
8. Spring Sports
Baseball - an American favorite - starts up with much anticipation. Grab your glove in hopes of catching a ball, head to an MLB game, and enjoy the sun along with some good ‘ol baseball game foods. Any March Madness fans out there? Your time is coming! Hello golfers! Dust off your clubs and get out there, the sun is shining. Feeling active? Go for a run or a hike. You're right… a walk will suffice, but just go outside and take advantage of one of nature’s best gifts- nice weather.
9. Change In Wardrobe
Put away those boots, long pants and sweaters; and replace them with sandals, shorts, and sundresses. Let the sun rays touch your skin…you’ve been resembling a vampire lately. Show off those pastels and florals that have been buried in the back of your closet for all of this time.
10. Summer
Now, I know I’m one to stress on the importance of not getting caught up in looking too far into the future, but…SUMMER. Spring starts the countdown to Summer, and Summer is just an amplified Spring. Everything you love about Spring will only get even better come the summer.
I know I’m excited, aren’t you?