HELLAween Series: Last Minute Halloween Costumes You Didn't Know You Had In Your Closet | The Odyssey Online
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HELLAween Series: Last Minute Halloween Costumes You Didn't Know You Had In Your Closet

Just because it's Monday doesn't mean it's not Halloween.

HELLAween Series: Last Minute Halloween Costumes You Didn't Know You Had In Your Closet

Hello, citizens of Halloweentown. It's the best day of the year, and it's time to get spooky because it's HALLOWEEN!

It also just so happens to be a Monday...

But, don't worry. Even if you haven't yet gotten into costume because you've got the Monday blues, or you just think that since you have to go to school/work that you shouldn't dress up, I've got you covered! Here are a few really quick and really easy costumes made of things you probably already have lying around!

1. Burglar

All you need for this one is a striped shirt, black pants, a mask, and a moneybag, which can easily just be a brown paper bag with a dollar sign on it. Easy peasy.

2. Regina George

I did this one last year myself! All you need is a purple bra, white tank top, and black skirt. I think this one only cost me about $2 to make.

3. Jim and Pam

Shoutout to the best couple in television history! For Jim, all you need is a basic button dow, dockers, and comfy shoes. Don't forget the tie! Pam is just as easy. Just switch the dockers for a skirt and be sure to clip your hair back.

4. Shadow

Black morph suit. That's all you need. If you want to get innovative like this one, get a little hat and a feather and be Peter Pan's shadow!

5. Flanders

Be the best diddly-dang guy at the party in this one! All you need are dockers, a pink button-down, and a forest green pullover.

6. Risky Business

Channel your inner Tom Cruise with a white button down, boxers, socks, and ray bans.

7. Cosmo & Wanda

Similar to Jim, for Cosmo, all you need is the button down, tie and pants. Wanda needs a neon yellow top and black bottoms. Pink and green hairspray is around $1, and you can make the crowns and wands!

BONUS: if you're a squad of 3, get your third person a pink top, jeans, and a pink hat. They can be your Timmy!

8. The Belchers

Be everyone's favorite offbeat family wth your squad! Chances are you have a lot of the basic pieces they wear lying around, or you can pick them up from any basics section of any store. Burger suit and megaphone not included.

9. Rosie The Riveter

Take a little inspo from Yonce! This one is simple: denim top, jeans, and a red bandana. Then show of your guns in the name of women's empowerment!

10. An Emoji

This one is also pretty easy. Pick your favorite, and then see what basics you have lying around to make it come to life!

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