An extreme Laissez-faire political philosophy advocating only minimal state of intervention in the lives of citizens; interpreted from Google. Now it’s time to tell whoever you are who is libertarian or libertarian friendly that you better stop and think about how your life is being dumped by this so-called philosophy.
Libertarians, you are supposed to follow rules, listen to elders’ advises and predetermined life’s regulations to shape yours. The tendency to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and wherever you want is the worst that ever existed. Get over it. This tendency leads children to believe that they are mindful enough to choose their own lifestyles, their life paths, and ethics. False! If children could think big enough for themselves, then civic education, moral codes, social rules and fitness, and good mannerism would go extinct. Tough, the outcomes are clear. Families who promote libertarianism are more likely to observe more deviation from their growing young adults. The reason why this happens roots in the incorrigible tantrums that were being developed at childhood. It’s believable that the best moment to instill critical skills in a person's life is at their childhood, for grown men are incorrigible unless being pressured.
Now that there is a growing tendency by the youth to question everything, and set new standards that intend to redefine the state of things, it becomes more and more difficult to tell anybody which behavior is likable to adopt to be polite, decent or politically correct. Recently, there is a trending on my newsfeed that warns “Banned Books Week", urging us to go ahead and explore about books that were being banned. Say what? Isn’t that true that those who advised to ban these documents already had tough analyses about their falsehood, weaknesses, and flows of content? It’s a perceived belief that libertarians would go ahead and leave important documents behind to explore these banned documents instead. Lord have mercy!
Libertarians will tell they care about free will and liberty. Probably not! Liberty, or if you want, freedom, is not doing whatever you want or like, whenever you want… It’s the free will to follow rules, obey the law, bind to hard work and critical thinking, sweat to earn prosperity and respect... These are some prerequisites before going ahead and blaming the government, the constitution, or the state of things for interfering with your life. Children, whoever tells you that you are free to decide whatever you like your life to be, or you are free to do whatever you want with your life, is not your friend. If such words come from a parent, this parent deserves to be sued. If this comes from a friend, that’s a best opportunity to unfriend her or him. If this comes from your own mind, it’s time to stop and think again… you are on the wrong way.
At the end of the day, you will realize that libertarians and demagogues vouch for similar ends in life. More likely to drop a class at college, more likely to drop out of schools, more likely to use drugs as life supports, more likely to get offended by others, less likely to embrace big challenges in life, less likely to live a happy and contented life… Today, you are at the edge of the libertarian machinery of ideas preaching to you to question everything, redefine existing ethical codes, or braving the status quo. Mind yourself get carried away by those trendings. A final invitation to you is: do your best to get id of libertarialism or extreme liberalism; it can harm your life more than boosting your happiness. Stop that demagogy in your life, and start promoting humanness, and positive values instead of believing in your own egos and desires. Thanks for reading up to this point. Please, don’t forget to leave a comment, question or thoughts if you would have any.