A Heist Gone Wrong (AHGW) is an online social-deduction game developed by user Lasmelan. This online game is based off of an actual card game titled One Night Ultimate Werewolf (ONUW), in which most of the mechanics are similar (or the same). One single game of AHGW can hold anywhere from 4 to 9 players, but the discord voice channels can hold one extra player just in case somebody needs to step back for a moment to take a break.
AHGW has three types of roles within its midst; Robbers ( red cards ), Neutrals ( yellow cards ), and Innocents ( green cards ). If you are a Robber, your goal is to arrest anyone who stands in your way of escaping with your stolen prizes. If you are a Neutral, who right now is only a Fall Guy, your goal is to convince everybody to accuse you so that you can get arrested yourself. Going along this theme, all Innocents have the goal of arresting the true Robbers in the game. If you succeed in fulfilling your goal, then congratulations, you'll win the game.
All roles in A Heist Gone Wrong as of update v.0.8.1Lasmelan - A Heist Gone Wrong
However, this game isn't as simple as it may seem to be at first glance. In order to fully understand this, you must be able to understand the gameplay mechanics.
At the beginning of every round, there is a robbery phase - this means that the roles you see above are sorted into a list. This list will then depict what order the roles will go in in the robbery phase. During the robbery phase, the game chat is locked from sending messages and players must complete the action described to them with their role. If they fail to complete the action, they miss their turn.. And any advantages that it may have given them.
After the robbery phase concludes, there is an interrogation phase - this means that all players will be able to communicate with one another using the game chat (or voice chats in Discord) in order to share whatever information that they gained during the robbery phase. This is your opportunity to convince the other players to be on your side and believe what you have to say, so be aware that you might be able to sway them in your direction if you appeal to whatever their role is. If you're an Innocent, you can plainly state what you have discovered during your robbery phase action. However, be prepared to get whatever you say turned against you. Robbers are also in the interrogation phase with you, although you don't know who is who anymore.
Finally, at the end of the round, there is a voting phase - this phase is where you use all of the knowledge and information that you gained in the previous phases in order to make yourself stand out the most. You can either convince everybody that you're innocent because you are, or you can convince everybody that somebody else is the robber even though you're the true criminal. The way you portray yourself is up to you, but be aware that your every move will be examined closely.
The video linked below is the tutorial, but if you still need extra help we have a manual that can be found here.
Voting phase ends, Innocents win! Lasmelan - A Heist Gone Wrong Introduction (Tutorial) Video
Currently, AHGW has a Discord Server that has the same title as the game. An invite to this server can be found here. The server has the developer (Lasmelan) as well as two moderators (Enternode & Shademus) in order to keep everything under control. If you contribute enough to the community, you may be given the role of Veteran (Dairy Product & NuclearBurrito), or the role of Active Users (you get this role if you actively play the game in the server).
I recently held a survey in the server, and this is some of what you may expect from this community:
1. How did you hear about A Heist Gone Wrong?
42.9% - YouTube
28.6% - Discord
14.3% - Friend
(the missing 14.3% is from the developer himself saying that he created the game)
2. On average, how many people are in the games that you play?
50% - 4 People
16.7% - 5 People
16.7% - 6 People
16.7% - Haven't Played Yet
3. Do you use VC or game chat?
71.4% - Both
14.3% - VC
14.3% - Haven't Played Yet
4. What is your age range?
71.4% - 17 to 20
28.6% - 13 to 16
5. How often do you play AHGW?
42.9% - Monthly
28.6% - Rarely at all
14.3% - Weekly
14.3% - Haven't Played Yet
6. What is your current status?
57.1% - College/University
42.9% - High school
7. In your opinion, what is the best role?
The majority was a tie between Anarchist and Attorney.
If you go into Help, then click on About, then click on Credits, you will be taken to this page. This shows all of the people and sites that Lasmelan believes deserve partial credit for the game that he developed.
Credits PageLasmelan - A Heist Gone Wrong - Credits
If you're looking for a new online social-deduction game, come hang out with us for a bit and test the waters in AHGW!
- A Heist Gone Wrong [Official Trailer] - YouTube ›
- The Mastermind : A Heist Gone Wrong (4) - YouTube ›
- RetiredOrphan (@RetiredOrphan) | Twitter ›
- RetiredOrphan - YouTube ›
- KittieStrider - YouTube ›
- Enternode (@PikaTemmie) | Twitter ›
- Enternode - YouTube ›
- Lasmelan (@Lasmelan) | Twitter ›
- Lasmelan - YouTube ›